Art Terms and Definitions — A

art terms and definitions


Quick links to more art terms and definitions are located at the end of the list.


(Visual arts: painting. Art movement: United States, 1960s. Also known as: minimal art, minimalism.)
An art style characterized by the use of simple, modular forms reduced to their elementary geometric structure.

Abstract Art

(Visual arts: painting and sculpture. Also known as: non-figurative art, non-objective art, non-representational art)
A genre of art that doesn’t resemble anything from “real life.” It’s an art style that is intentionally non-representational and seeks to achieve its point or subject using shapes, forms, colors, and textures. Every object on the canvas is represented by either colors or shapes. For example, colors can represent emotions, and shapes can symbolize objects. The purpose of an abstract is to let the audience interpret its meaning for themselves. At its worst, abstract art looks like an accidental mess of paint. At its best, it has an impact that strikes you from the moment you see it.

Abstract Expressionism

(Visual arts: painting. Art movement: Centered in New York City, 1946 to 1960.)
Art that rejects true visual representation. It has few recognizable images with great emphasis on color, line, shape, texture, and value, putting the expression of the feelings or emotions of the artist above all else.

Academic Art

(Visual arts. Art movement: Europe, 19th century.)
A style of painting and sculpture heavily influenced by nineteenth-century European academies of art, especially the French academy. The academies were very conservative, resisting avant-garde innovations and expressions of modern art.


To stress, single out as important. As applied to art, it is the emphasis given to some aspects of a painting that allows them to attract more attention. Details that define an object or piece of art.

Accented Analogous

An accented analogous scheme, also known as analogous complementary, is a color scheme that combines analogous and complementary colors. It involves colors adjacent to each other on the color wheel and the color opposite them. The direct complement becomes the accent color, creating a dynamic contrast against the dominant color grouping. This is a great way to add warmth to a cool analogous color pallet or a cool accent color to an otherwise warm color scheme.


A process of increasing an art collection by addition; something added to what you already have (“the art collection grew through accession”).


Colors having zero saturation (free from stain; lacking hue), such as neutral grays, from white to black, or colorless to black. (See illustration below.)

art terms and definitions

Acrylic Paint

A fast-drying synthetic medium derived from acrylic resin. Acrylic is a water-based “plastic” paint valued for its versatility and clean-up using soap and water. Although soluble in water, acrylics become resistant to water once dry. The appearance of an acrylic painting can mimic that of a watercolor or an oil painting, depending on the thickness of the application on the canvas.

Action Painting

A technique or style of abstract painting characterized by the spontaneous splashing, throwing, or pouring of paint onto the canvas, as opposed to precise application. It is associated with artists who employed vigorous, sweeping gestures involving significant body movement, diverging from conventional easel painting techniques. Jackson Pollock was a notable figure in this movement. The terms “action painting” and “abstract expressionism” are often used synonymously by some critics.

Advancing Colors

Warm colors like reds, oranges, and yellows tend to visibly come towards you. Advancing colors are opposite of “retreating colors.”

Aerial Perspective

Refers to creating a sense of depth in a painting by imitating how the atmosphere makes distant objects appear less distinct and more bluish than they would be if nearby. Artists attempt to mimic this effect to create depth or distance (three dimensions) on an otherwise two-dimensional (flat) surface. Also see “atmospheric perspective.”

Aerial View

Refers to viewing a subject from above, looking downward. Also called a “birds-eye view.”


See “airbrushing.”


A small, air-operated tool used by artists to apply color to surfaces. The hand-held device is connected to a canister of compressed air and sprays liquid paint, ink, dye, or foundation in a controlled manner. The airbrush works by breaking the liquid into tiny droplets through a process called atomization and distributes it across the painting surface. Airbrushes are known for their ability in making it possible for artists to create intricate details and beautiful color gradients in their art.

Airbrush Artist

A creative individual who uses airbrushes to create airbrushed art. Airbrush artists are versatile painters who create unique and intricate designs on a wide range of surfaces, including canvases, automobiles, clothing, helmets, handbags, skin and fingernails, and even cakes and pastries. With practice and dedication, airbrush artists can create incredible works of art that resemble actual photographs.


Airbrushing is a painting technique that uses an airbrush to create an even surface, allowing artists to achieve high levels of realism. It involves seamless color blending and softly defined edges between colors. Skilled airbrush artists can produce photographic realism or simulate various painting mediums, and it is commonly used in various fields like cars, motorcycles, models, textile design, printing, toys, glass, and ceramics. Also referred to as “Aerographics.”

Alla Prima

Aso known as ‘wet-on-wet’ oil painting, or direct painting. Alla prima is a technique of oil painting in which the desired effects of the final painting are achieved in the first application of paint as opposed to the technique of covering the canvas in layers with the final painting being achieved at the end. Alla prima is an Italian term that means “first attempt.”

Allover Painting

A composition with no focal point where all parts of the canvas are painted with equal care and significance, ensuring that each area of the composition is equally important.


A work of art, such as a painting, sculpture, or relief, depicting a religious subject (holy personages, saints, and biblical subjects) that decorates the space above and behind the altar in a Christian church.

American Abstract Artists (AAA)

An artists’ association that was established in New York City in 1936 to promote and raise public awareness and appreciation of abstract art throughout the country. The organization does this through lectures, publications, and exhibitions, making it an important forum for idea exchange and presenting abstract art to a larger audience. Go to the AAA website to learn more about the organization or to sign up as a member.

American Scene Painting

(Visual arts: painting. Art movement: United States, 1925-1945. Also known as: Regionalism.)
A significant art movement in the United States, emerged during the Great Depression as a reaction against European Modernism. It utilized American imagery to chronicle and exalt rural and small-town America. The movement consisted of two distinct styles: American Regionalism, which celebrated rural life, and Social Realism (Urban Realism), which depicted urban scenes with political undertones. Artists of American Scene Painting aimed to capture the spirit of different regions and social groups, raising awareness about the struggles of working-class people.

Analogous Colors

art terms and definitions

Any set of three or five colors that are closely related in hue(s). They are usually adjacent (next) to each other on the color wheel. One is the dominant color with two supporting colors. The effect of this color scheme can be pretty dramatic as these hues usually work very well together in creating a sense of unity or harmony within the composition. Using this color scheme, choose one as the dominant color (usually a primary or secondary color), a second color to support, and a third as an accent.


A sculptor or painter who specializes in the realistic portrayal of animals.

Applied Art

The application of design and decoration to everyday, practical objects to enhance their aesthetic appeal. Applied art includes a wide range of artistic fields, including industrial, graphic, and interior design as well as architectural and fashion design.

Approximate Symmetry

The use of forms that are similar on either side of a central axis. They may give a feeling of exactness or equal relationship, but they are sufficiently varied to prevent visual monotony.


cowboy western sunset art
Cowboy Sunset by Teresa Bernard

The completed work of an artist that expresses creativity, imagination, or both and usually takes the shape of a painting, drawing, or sculpture that conveys a mood, a sentiment, or a narrative. Art encompasses various mediums, genres, and techniques. Also, refers to works of art collectively.

Art Appreciation

An understanding of the qualities that identify all great art. It involves having a knowledge of art movements, art history, and art styles or techniques. For more information on this topic, see blog article “What is art appreciation?”

Art Brut

French for “raw art,” the art of children and outsiders (naïve artists and the mentally ill); actually, anyone not producing art for profit or recognition.

Art Buyer

A professional responsible for purchasing artwork on behalf of an organization, company, or individual. Art buyers must have a high degree of art knowledge and understanding to appraise the quality and value of the artwork.

Art Cards, Editions, and Originals (ACEO) Cards

ACEOs are tiny handmade original paintings measuring 2.5 in x 3.5 in, the size of a sports trading card. They are created to sell on eBay and other venues and are highly collectible. Also see, “artist trading cards” for additional information.

Art Collector

A person who buys original and rare works of fine art with an interest in the history or story behind those pieces. They often buy in one or more genres, such as artists, art movements, or subject matter. In addition to appreciating and enjoying great work, art collectors also contribute to the financial support of the artists who produce it.

Art Collection

An accumulation of artwork by a private individual or a public institution. Art collecting has its roots in history. Most of the world’s art museums originated from large private collections that affluent individuals, royalty, aristocrats, or monarchs acquired.

Art Conservation

The maintenance and preservation of artworks and their protection from future damage and deterioration. Art conservation focuses on preventive measures and maintaining the original condition of artworks.

Art Critique

The analysis and evaluation of a work of art. It involves examining the elements and principles of art used in a piece, as well as considering the artist’s intentions and the overall impact of the artwork on the viewer. In essence, art criticism seeks to understand a particular work of art from a theoretical perspective and establish its significance in the history of art.

Art Deco

(Visual arts: decorative art, design and architecture. Art movement: Western Europe and the United Sates, 1920s-1930s. Related to the Precisionist art movement. Also known as: Moderne, style moderne.)
A style of design and decoration that originated in Paris, France just before World War I. It is characterized by precise and sharply outlined geometric shapes and used vivid colors to reflect the rise of commerce, industry, and mass production. Art deco influenced the design of buildings, furniture, jewelry, fashion, cars, movie theatres, trains, ocean liners, and everyday objects such as radios and vacuum cleaners.

Art History

The study of the evolution of visual arts, including painting, sculpture, drawing, and architecture, from the earliest cave drawings to present day. Its primary objectives are to identify the creators of a particular work, their time and stylistic approach, and to understand their creative process.

Art Media

The materials and tools used by an artist to create a work of art. Materials like paint and canvas, and tools like a brush or palette knife are examples of art media. Art media is the plural of art medium.

Art Medium

The substance the artist uses to create a piece of artwork. Some examples of mediums used in art include (but are not limited to) charcoal, graphite, pastels, oil paint, colored pencils, ink, and etc.

Art Movement

A distinct style of art defined by a group of artists who practice or adhere to the same creative concept, philosophy, goal, style, or method across a specific time period or place. Each art movement is subtly or distinctly different from another. Some movements share similarities with others, while others defy them.

Art Museum

A public or private place that collects and exhibits art from the museum’s own collection. They usually specialize in artworks like paintings, drawings, sculptures, and photographs. Art museums also offer educational programs to enhance appreciation and understanding of diverse works of art from different historical and cultural periods.

Art Nouveau

(Pronounced noo-VOH. Visual arts: decorative art, architecture, and graphic design. Art movement: Europe and the United States, 1890s to 1910s. A French word meaning ”New Art.” Also known as: Modernismo, Modernista, Sezessionstil, Stile Floreale, Stile Liberty.)
An international art movement that emerged in the late 19th to early 20th century characterized by intricate linear designs and flowing curves, often incorporating delicate natural objects like flower stalks and buds, vine tendrils, and insect wings. The goal of Art Nouveau was to blur the lines between the fine and applied arts, and was widely used in interior design, graphic arts, furniture, glass art, textiles, ceramics, jewelry, and metal work. The popularity of Art Nouveau began to wane around World War I, and it was eventually replaced by the Art Deco style.

Art Period

A distinct phase, stage, or juncture in the development of the creative work of an artist, groups of artists, or art movement.

Art Restoration

The repair of damaged or deteriorating artworks. Art restoration strives to restore items to a condition similar to their original appearance while preserving their artistic and historical value.

Arte Povera

(Pronounced: ahr-teh poh-veh-rah. Visual arts: sculpture. Art movement: Italy, 1967–1972. Italian for “poor art.”)
Arte Povera was a pioneering art movement of young Italian artists who sought to create a new sculptural style by incorporating unconventional and deliberately ‘poor’ materials such as paper, jute, wood, coal, rags, twigs, and other everyday materials into their artworks. They used such throwaway materials to attack and disturb the values of the marketed contemporary gallery system.


An individual who practices in the creation of visual arts, such as sculptures, paintings, or drawings, either as a profession or a hobby.

Artist Brush

The primary tool used by artists to apply paint to canvas. They come in various types, sizes, and shapes. Also see “Brush.”

Artist Portfolio

A collection of an artist’s best works that demonstrates their style, artistic skills, creativity, personality, abilities, and commitment. Artists need a portfolio because it shows potential clients or employers what they are capable of and what they have to offer.

Artist’s Bridge

See “Mahl Stick.”


Describes a person who possesses an innate creative talent for art or artistry.

Artistic License

Refers to the creative process where artists manipulate details to make their work more interesting or beautiful. It allows them some latitude in how they perceive a subject and is not strictly required to be accurate. Artistic license is sometimes used as a euphemism to describe the distortion or alterations made by an artist to improve a piece of art.

Artistic Style

The specific style or technique of a particular artist, or art movement. It’s that thing that makes you recognize a specific painting as being by a particular artist before you’re close enough to see a signature or to read the image label.

For more information, see the Artist Blog article titled Developing an Artistic Style of Your Own.

Artist Trading Cards (ATCs)

artist trading card

ATCs are tiny-sized original paintings created by artists strictly for handing out, swapping, or trading with other artists and are not intended for selling. They may be in any medium (oils, acrylics, pencil, ink, etc.) using any technique, whether painting, drawing, or collage. There is only one rule and that is the cards must adhere to a specific size, 2.5 in. x 3.5 in. 

Arts and Crafts Movement (ACM)

(Visual arts: decorative arts. Art movement: Britain and international, late 19th and early 20th century. Also known as: English aesthetic movement.)
Originating in the British Isles, the ACM was an international decorative arts movement that aimed to reform design, promote handcraftsmanship, and assert individual crafts people’s creative independence. It spread across Europe and America, influencing various art forms such as furniture, textiles, ceramics, and architecture, and addressing perceived declines in design and craftsmanship due to industrialization.


Text-based visual art created from 95 printable characters that use computers for presentation. ASCII art is created using any text editor program and requires a fixed-width font, such as Courier, for presentation. For more info.

Ashcan School

(Visual arts: painting and etching. Art movement: New York City, 1908 to 1913. Also known as: Ash Can School.)
The Ashcan School was a realist art movement in the United States, known for depicting everyday life in poorer neighborhoods of New York City. This group of artists challenged artistic conventions and celebrated the everyday, leaving an indelible mark on American art history. They sought to document turn-of-the-century New York City life through realistic and unglamorized paintings and etchings of urban street scenes. The spirit of the Ashcan School was continued in American Scene Painting of the 1920s and 1930s.

Assemblage Art

A form of sculptured art, either three-dimensional or two-dimensional, composed of “found” objects and arranged in such a way as to create a work of art. These objects can be anything organic or man-made. The origin of this particular art form dates back to Pablo Picasso, a well-known cubist artist.

Astronomical Art

See “Space Art.”


Refers to two sides or halves that do not match in size or shape, indicating a lack of symmetry. The opposite of “symmetrical.”

Asymmetrical Balance

Asymmetrical Balance

A composition technique where non-identical forms are arranged on opposite sides of a balancing point (central axis). By varying their size, value, or distance from the center, both sides will appear to have the same visual weight. A skilled artist can create visually appealing compositions by balancing elements and weight, utilizing asymmetrical balance for greater creativity and unlimited arrangements, allowing for a wider range of artistic possibilities.

Atmospheric Perspective

A technique used by painters to represent three-dimensional space on a flat, two-dimensional surface by creating the illusion of depth or recession within a painting or drawing. Atmospheric perspective suggests that objects closer to the viewer are sharper in detail, color intensity, and value contrast than those farther away. As objects move closer to the horizon, they gradually fade to a bluish-gray, and details blur, imitating how distant objects appear to the human eye. Also see “aerial perspective.”

Automotive Artist

automotive art vintage V8 car painting
Forgotten Roads of Bygone Days by Teresa Bernard

A skilled artist who specializes in drawing cars, capturing the beauty and essence of automobiles in their artwork. Using their artistic talent, they create various forms of art, including paintings, drawings, and sculptures, showcasing classic (vintage) cars, muscle cars, and sports cars. Their passion for cars often leads them to create art for car manufacturers, advertising agencies, and other businesses in the automotive industry.

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This glossary of art terms is provided as a valuable resource for art enthusiasts. If you like the information here and find it helpful, please consider purchasing a painting. Your support helps to cover the cost of keeping this art terms and definitions lexicon online. Simply click or tap the thumbnail link of any Teresa Bernard oil painting to view additional details.

scenery realism art
Log Cabin in the Autumn Woods (2021)
9″ w x 12″ h
lighthouse paintings
Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse (2022)
6″ w x 8″ h

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Art Terms and Definitions — B

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Quick links to more art terms and definitions are located at the end of the list.


The area in a painting that visually appears far away in the distance at or near the horizon. It is usually located on a higher plane of the canvas.

Balance (in art)

Refers to the distribution of visual weight within a composition, creating a sense of harmony and stability. It’s a fundamental principle of design that ensures an aesthetically pleasing arrangement of elements. There are three types of balance, these are: symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, and radial balance.

Barbizon School

(Visual arts: painting. Art movement: France, 1830-1870.)
An art movement formed by a group of French landscape painters who sought to promote a more realistic and informal approach in their nature paintings. Named after the village of Barbizon near the Forest of Fontainebleau in France, this group of artists gathered there to create and find inspiration. Their artwork often depicted serene natural scenes, pastoral life, and agricultural laborers. The Barbizon School laid the groundwork for Modernism by focusing on personal expression. It anticipated the Impressionist movement, which also embraced a similar philosophical approach to art.

Baroque Art

(Pronounced buh-rohk. Visual arts: architecture, painting, and sculpture. Art movement: Western Europe, 17th and early 18th centuries. French term “barroque,” meaning “irregularly shaped.” Also known as Baroque period.)
An art movement characterized by exaggerated ornate detail. An extravagant style of art characterized by curving lines, gilding, and gold. The Baroque art style was sometimes considered excessively decorated and overly complicated. Baroque art emerged as a response to the simplicity of Protestant art and was popular with and supported by the Catholic Church.

Bauhaus School

(Pronounced bou-hous. Visual arts: design, architecture, and applied arts. Art movement: Germany, 1919-1933. A German word meaning “house of building.” Also known as Staatliches Bauhaus.)
A German art school established in Weimar, Germany in 1919. It aimed to unify crafts and fine arts by emphasizing function and mass production in design. It sought to merge crafts and fine arts, focusing on functionality and mass production in design. The school’s design ethos featured clean lines, geometric forms, and minimal decoration, complemented by vibrant primary color accents, aiming for elegance through simplicity. Nevertheless, the Nazis shut it down in 1933, prompting numerous artists to flee to the United States in search of intellectual freedom.

Basic Art Elements

See “Elements of Art.”

Byzantine Art

(Visual arts: architecture, mosaics, and painting. Art movement: Byzantine Empire, 4th-5th Century A.D.)
An art style rooted in Christianity and classical Greek mythology that was a significant artistic movement during the Middle Ages in the Byzantine Empire and surrounding areas. It focused on the Orthodox church, focusing on the painting of icons and decorating churches with frescoes and mosaics. Byzantine art was known for its intricate mosaics, often depicting flat figures against a golden background, aiming to convey spiritual and symbolic meaning. The art form favored stylized representations rather than naturalistic ones, using graceful figures and golden tesserae to create a sense of wonder and admiration for the church. The style ended with the fall of Constantinople to the Turks in 1453 during the European Renaissance, but its influence continued in Russia and other Orthodox countries where the church held sway.

Ben-Day Dots

art vocabulary terms and definitions

Tiny colored dots (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) used in the commercial printing industry to create shading and secondary colors in images. Benjamin Henry Day, an illustrator and printer, invented this method in 1879.


A component in paint, such as linseed oil or acrylic polymer, that holds pigment particles together ensuring consistent uniformity or cohesiveness.

Biomorphic Art

An abstract art style first introduced in the mid-1930s that evokes the form and shape of natural and living organisms. It focuses on the power of natural life and uses shapeless, vaguely spherical hints of biology. Drawing inspiration from patterns and forms found in the natural world and living organisms, biomorphic art creates aesthetically pleasing and harmonious designs, blending Surrealism and Cubism. Also called “biomorphism” or “biomorphist” art.

Birds-Eye View

Seeing from the point of view from an altitude or a distance; a comprehensive view in a downward direction; also called an “aerial view.”

Bitmap Image

A pixel-based image (.BMP) with one bit of color information per pixel, also known as a bitmapped image. The only colors displayed in a bitmapped image are black and white. Its quality decreases when the image is enlarged.


An achromatic color, without hue, results from the absence or complete absorption of any visible light. The darkest of all colors and the opposite or complement of white. It is often argued that black is not a color because it lacks any hue or wavelength of light. However, since color is the result of human perception, many commonly perceive black as a color. One of four primary ink colors used in the printing industry (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black).


A technique used in painting to soften lines and create a gradual transition between two or more colors or tones. Blending ensures that most surfaces appear smooth and have fewer hard edges.

Blending Brush

A type of paintbrush used for smoothing out brushstrokes and spreading and blending colors smoothly. Blending brushes are very soft and are not used for applying paint. Use them to gently stroke the wet paint that you have already applied to the canvas to remove brushstrokes and blend paint. These art brushes are usually the most expensive in your paintbox, so you will want to take good care of them to make them last a long time.


art vocabulary terms and definitions

One of the three primary colors of pigments used in painting, and the complement or opposite of the color orange. Blue, when mixed with other hues, can be used to create a wide array of colors.

Body Art

A type of contemporary art that uses the human body as the “canvas.” The most common forms of body art are tattoos and body piercings.

Botanical Art

poppy pods botanical art
Poppy Pods by Teresa Bernard

A scientifically accurate portrayal of a plant, fungi, or lichen, but may not be a comprehensive scientific record. It encompasses a variety of genres, including scientific illustration, realistic drawing, and painting of botanical subjects. The goal of botanical painters is to comprehend plant structure and visually express this information to their audience. For more on botanicals, click here.

Botanical Artist

A skilled artist who creates precise illustrations of plants, often used in scientific records and printed alongside descriptions in books and media. Their goal is to accurately document the shapes, structures, colors, life cycle, and habits of unique plant species while providing a visually appealing image.

Bright Art Brush

bright oil painting art brush

A brush with a flat ferrule and short-length hairs set in a long handle. The hairs curve inward at the tip and are virtually the same breadth and length as the brush head. This brush works well for applying heavy color in short, controlled strokes; however, if overworked, a Bright will remove as much paint as it applies. Use this brush when you want the brush strokes to show. These brush types are better for working up close rather than holding the brush at a distance from the canvas.

Bristle Brushes

bristle hair brush

A natural hair paintbrush used by artists. Bristle brushes are stiff and springy brushes made from the hairs from the back of a pig. They have natural “split ends,” which make them ideal for oil painting because they can withstand heavy oil paint, textured canvas, and harsh solvents like turpentine. The stiff bristles will leave a strong mark on the canvas. In addition, Bristle brushes are easy to clean.

Bristle brushes, ideally half an inch wide or larger, are most effective for covering large canvas areas, starting a painting, or working on very large pieces. It’s possible to complete entire paintings exclusively with bristle brushes. For more intricate details in smaller sections, however, sable brushes are the recommended choice.


Sometimes referred to as hairs or filaments, bristles make up the head of the brush, called the “brush head.” This is the part of the brush that holds the paint. They are made from natural hair, synthetic fibers, or a combination of both. Natural bristles are animal hair, while synthetic bristles are nylon or polyester.

Bristles are formed into different shapes, which dictate the type of brush: bright, fan, filbert, flat, and round. The quality of the bristles determines the cost of the brush. The tip of the bristles is called the toe, while the heel is where the strands go into the ferrule at the tip of the handle. The belly is the fattest part of the bristle head.

Bristol Board

A high-quality heavyweight drawing paper, sometimes made with cotton fiber prepared or glued together, usually with a caliper thickness of 0.006″ and up, used for many types of two-dimensional artwork, including lettering.

Brush Anatomy

art vocabulary terms and definitions

The anatomy of an artist’s paintbrush consists of three main components: the head, the ferrule, and the handle.

Brush Head: The hairs or bristles of the brush. The strands are made from either natural or synthetic fibers. This is what an artist uses to apply and push paint around on the canvas. The head has three parts: the very tip of the head is called the toe. The fattest part is called the belly, and the point where the head meets the ferrule is called the heel.

Ferrule: The metal cylinder or band that attaches the head to the handle and helps hold the hairs in shape. Ferrules are made from a range of metals, including tin, aluminum, brass, copper alloys, nickel, and chrome plating. High-quality brushes have a brass or copper alloy ferrule that won’t rust or come loose. These types have the best adhesion to the handle and a double or triple crimp. The crimp is the part of the ferrule that secures it to the handle. This is important because if the ferrule does not fit properly, the bristles will fall out, or the ferrule could come off the handle.

Handle: Refers to the brush’s long stem, held during painting. Brush handles typically are made from materials like wood, acrylic, or bone, however, most handles are made from hardwoods such as beech. Their lengths vary and differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. Short handles are designed to fit comfortably in the palm, facilitating various painting techniques and movements. In contrast, oil painting brushes typically have longer handles to provide better balance. The size of a paintbrush is usually indicated by a number on the handle, starting from 000 (the smallest size), followed by 0, 1, 2, and so on, increasing to larger sizes. Regardless of size, a quality brush will balance on your finger.

See “paintbrush” for more information about brushes.

Brush Drawing

A technique in visual arts that uses a round and pointed brush to produce linear images using India ink or watercolor. This style is very useful for illustrating nature objects since it produces a linear feel rather than a painterly finish. Brush drawing is ideal for generating delicate and detailed images.


The mark left by a loaded (filled) brush on a surface. Brushstrokes are characterized by their direction, thickness, texture, and overall quality. Some artists purposefully obscure individual brushstrokes to achieve a smooth surface. Other artists make their brushstrokes obvious to reveal the process of painting or to express movement or emotion.


The technique of applying paint to a surface using a brush. It’s a fundamental aspect of painting and significantly influences the overall look and feel of a piece of art. Artists can vary their brushwork style, from smooth and controlled strokes to loose and expressive marks. The way an artist uses their brush can convey different textures, emotions, and visual interest in their work. Every painter has a different brush technique that adds to an artist’s style and distinguishes their work.

Built Environment

Man-made surroundings created to fulfill human desires and needs. Structures, features, and facilities viewed collectively as a setting for human activity in which people live, work, and play.


In sculpture, a representation of the upper part of the human figure, including the head, neck, and part of the shoulders and breast. The bust is a type of portrait that aims to capture the likeness of an individual, often (but not exclusively) displayed atop a pedestal or column.

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This glossary of art terms and definitions is provided as a valuable resource for art enthusiasts. If you like the information here and find it helpful, please consider purchasing a painting. Your support helps to cover the cost of keeping this art vocabulary, terms and definitions lexicon online. Simply click or tap the thumbnail link of any Teresa Bernard oil painting to view additional details.

blue shutters landscape painting
Blue Shutters
12″ w x 9″ h
nautical artwork
Bow of The Boat
18″ w x 18″ h
still life art
Still Life with Black Jars (2022)
12″ w x 9″ h

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Art Terms and Definitions — C

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A skilled artist who uses a special pen or brush to make decorative handwriting, often referred to as calligraphy.


art terms

A distinctive style of artistic handwriting that is created by using special pen nibs or brushes that allow a calligrapher to vary the thickness of a letter’s line elements. An elegant, decorative writing style developed as an art form itself and used to enhance the artistic appeal and visual beauty of handwritten papers and manuscripts.

Camden Town Group of Painters

(Visual arts: painting. Art movement: London, 1911-1913.)
A group of Post-Impressionist artists from London, who met weekly in Walter Sickert’s studio. Their goal was to break away from traditional artistic groups and introduce French bohemianism to the English art scene. Drawing inspiration from Van Gogh and Gauguin, they drew on scenes of London life, including music halls and urban settings. Despite their expressive use of color, their paintings remained representational and realistic, reflecting a modern aesthetic distinct from Parisian developments. In 1913, the Camden Town Group was absorbed into the London Group, which was formed by the merger of numerous smaller groups of contemporary English painters.


A term used by artists to describe the surface they create their paintings on. It also refers to a heavy, closely woven fabric that is affixed to a piece of thin cardboard (see canvas board) or that is stretched onto stretcher bars (see stretched canvas). Canvas material is typically made of linen or cotton.

Canvas Board

art definitions

A rigid surface covered with primed canvas glued onto lightweight cardboard, approximately 1/8″ thick. They are durable, resistant to warping, and less fragile than stretched canvas. Canvas boards are preferred by artists for smaller paintings and are easy to frame. They are ideal for on-location painting because their lightweight, and the sunlight will not shine through the back. Also called “canvas panel,” which is a term that is interchangeable with “canvas board.” For more information see blog article “Three Types of Oil Painting Canvas.”

Canvas Paper

canvas paper

A textured, coated paper with a flexible surface resembling a canvas, used for small sketches and color notes. It comes in pads or single sheets and is not recommended for painting due to its fragility and lack of longevity. Works painted on canvas paper require extreme restorative and conservative treatments, usually within a few decades.


A rendering, usually a portrait, of a real person showing the features of the subject in a simplified or exaggerated way, but still retaining a likeness.

Center of Interest

An emphasized area of the composition. Also called the “focal point.”


The art of making objects with clay and firing them in a kiln. Wares of earthenware and porcelain, as well as sculpture, are made by ceramists. Enamel is also a ceramic technique. Ceramic materials may be decorated with slip, engobe, or glaze, applied by several methods, including resist, Mishima, and snag gam. Pots can be made by the coil, slab, some other manual technique, or a potter’s wheel.


A stick made from compressed burned wood used for drawing and for preliminary sketch work on canvases. Compressed charcoal is available in a variety of forms, including stick, wood-encased pencils, and peel-as-you-go paper wrapped pencils, that range from extra soft to hard.


An artistic technique that employs strong contrast between areas of light and shade in a composition to define three-dimensional objects.

Christian Art

Christian art sunset painting
Calvary At Sunset by Teresa Bernard.

A genre of art that depicts important Christian themes and stands as a testimony to faith. Images of Jesus Christ, as well as scenes from His life and ministry are the most common subjects of Christian art. It is significant because it deepens our understanding of Christianity and the Bible. Also called “sacred art.” See also, “religious art.”


The brightness or saturation of a color describing its intensity or how pure it is. High-chroma colors are more saturated, while low-chroma colors are less pure and more pastel in tone.


Pertaining to color or colors; being or having or characterized by hue. A color perceived to have a hue saturation greater than zero.


cityscape urban landscape

A city landscape; a painting of a city. Paintings that capture the physical features of a city, urban life, and specific locations of a town (such as a city block, street corner, outdoor café, rooftops, etc.), or other metropolitan areas. Similar to cityscapes are “townscapes,” only a township has a smaller population and maybe less modern architecture.


(Visual arts: architecture and painting. Art movement: Britain, Mid to Late 19th Century. Also known as: classical style.)
A form of art derived from the study of Greek and Roman styles characterized by harmony, balance, and serenity.

Closed Composition

closed composition
A good example of closed composition. Snail #1: Last Leaf by Teresa Bernard

A type of composition in painting or photography where all the elements are contained within the borders or framework of the canvas or image. The main subject is usually located near the center drawing the viewer’s eye to it. All the other compositional elements help guide the viewer’s attention to the subject matter and away from the edges. Such a composition often results in static, consistent, stable images that feel complete, finished, and calm. Still life‘s and portraits are good examples of closed composition.

A closed composition is the exact opposite of “open composition.”



The abbreviation for cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K). These are the four primary colors used in process printing that are combined in varying amounts to produce a wide range of colors.


Introduced by the Cubists, the technique of creating a work of art by adhering flat articles such as paper, fabrics, string, or other materials to a flat surface such as a canvas whereby a three-dimensional result is achieved.


A basic element of art that involves light. It is produced when light waves (wavelengths) strike an object and are reflected into our eyes. Each light wave has a distinct color. Objects appear to be different colors because some wavelengths are absorbed while others are reflected or transmitted back to our eyes resulting in the colors we see.

Color Field Painting

A style of abstract painting that emerged as an art movement in New York City during the 1940s and 1950s. It is mostly distinguished by broad expanses of solid, flat color that lack sharp tones or contrasts and spread across the canvas, creating flat picture planes and sections of uninterrupted surface. There’s no clear focal point of interest. The primary focus and theme is color, which is heavily emphasized.

Color Groups

Groupings of colors of a particular hue; sometimes called color families.

Color Harmony

The relationship of colors that work well together side-by-side, as opposed to colors that clash with one another. It can be a simple relationship involving only one color with several shades (monochromatic) or two complementary colors, or it can be a more complex relationship involving multiple colors.

Color Opposites

See “Complimentary Colors.”

Color Permanence

Refers to a pigment’s lasting power. Tubes and other paint containers are sometimes labeled with a code indicating a color’s degree of permanence.

Letter Code
Degree of color permanence
AA Highest
A Standard
C Less than permanent, though fairly durable
CC Fugitive

Color Properties

The three primary qualities of color are: hue (the name of the color), chroma (the purity and strength of the color), and value (the lightness or darkness of the color). Also called hue, saturation or intensity, and lightness.

Color Saturation

Refers to a color’s purity of hue, or its intensity.

Color Scheme

The overall selection of colors used in a design or artwork.

Color Separation

A traditional photographic process of separating artwork into component films of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black in preparation for printing to ultimately create a full-color printed product. Recent computer innovations have obviated the need for separated film negatives in specific applications.

Color Temperature

art dictionary

The temperature of color is how a particular color is perceived, either cool or warm. Cool colors range from green to violet on the color wheel, whereas warm colors range from yellow to red. Each temperature takes up one-half of the color wheel. Somewhere in the green and violet spectrums, the temperature changes between cool and warm. Also reference “cool colors” and “warm colors.”

Color Theory

Practical guidelines that govern the ideas, principles, and applications of color in art and design. Color theory consists of three components: the color wheel, color harmony, and color application or context, which can all be used by visual artists to create logical structures in their designs and compositions.

Color Wheel

basic color wheel

A circular diagram, developed by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666, that visually represents the placement of colors in relation to each other. It is divided into 12 sections, each showing a distinct color, and categorizes colors into primary, secondary, and tertiary (third) categories. Artists and interior designers use this as a visual aid to understand color relationships and define color schemes.

Colored Pencil

A drawing tool with a pigmented core, used by art students and professionals. Can be wax- or oil-based, water-soluble, or pastel.


A tool used in colorimetry for measuring the intensity of color.


A field of science and technology that studies how the human eye perceives color. Colorimetry uses numbers to describe colors and is used in various industries like chemistry, color printing, textile manufacturing, and paint manufacturing.

Commercial Art

Refers to art that is made for commerce. The term is somewhat obsolete and is currently being replaced in many colleges with the term “Visual Communication.”


Refers to the act of hiring someone to execute a specific work of art or set of artworks. For more information on this topic, see “How to Commission a Painting.” The term may also refer to the fee charged by a gallery or agent when selling works to a third party.

Complementary Colors

color opposites
Complementary Colors

Two colors that are directly opposite one another on the color wheel. When placed next to one another, complementary colors are intensified and often appear to vibrate. When mixed together, brown or gray is created. Also referred to as “color opposites.”

The complementary or color opposites are:

Primary Color
and Opposite
Secondary Color
and Opposite
Tertiary Color
and Opposite
Red and Green Yellow-orange and
Red-violet and
Yellow and Violet Yellow-green and
Red-orange and
Blue and Orange Red-orange and
Blue-violet and


The arrangement of the elements of art within a design area in accordance with the principles of design, ensuring unity and consistency in a piece of art, allowing the observer to comprehend its meaning.

Computer Art

Refers to visual images made with the assistance of computers. Computer art is often made with drawing, painting, illustrating, and photographic programs or applications like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.

Concept Art

A type of visual art created during the preproduction stage of a movie, video game, or other complex visual work, primarily aimed at explaining and evaluating various concepts before advancing to the final product.

Concept Artist

A creative professional who develops visual concepts for media such as films, video games, and animation. They design characters, environments, and props, working with directors and producers to establish the visual style.


A drawing medium made from compressed powdered graphite or charcoal mixed with a clay base. It is a firm pastel used for detailed work and is known for its classic earth colors, including sanguine, bister, black, whites, and grays. Also known as Conté sticks or Conté crayons.


An outline of something, especially one that defines its shape or form.


art dictionary

A design principle that emphasizes the difference between two or opposing elements, forming a unified composition. It adds variety to a design, preventing monotony and confusion. Contrast also adds visual interest by comparing light and dark areas, lines, forms, and spaces. It creates unity by drawing the viewer’s eye into the artwork, guiding them around the piece. Too much contrast can lead to confusion and monotony.

Converging Lines

Sets of parallel lines that appear to converge as they recede into the distance and meet at a single vanishing point. These lines can represent the edges of objects, and some can have multiple sets. An example is a box or cube, which can have one, two, or three sets of convergence lines, also known as orthogonal lines. Also see, “Linear Perspective.”

Cool Color

cool colors on the color wheel

Colors whose relative visual temperatures make them seem cool. Cool colors generally include yellow-green, green, blue-green, blue, blue-violet, and violet.

The characteristics of cool colors include:

    • are made with blue, green, or violet, and combinations of them.
    • tend to feel cool, reminding us of water and sky.
    • tend to recede into the background, i.e., move away from the viewer.
    • are more calming and soothing.


The legal right granted to the creator or assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical works and authorize others to do the same. The copyright symbol ©️ (a circled capital letter C for copyright) is utilized in copyright notices.


An in-depth and analytical evaluation of a work of art, theory, or argument, aiming to provide feedback, broaden knowledge, or express opinions. It can be positive or negative, depending on the subject’s strengths and weaknesses. A good critique should be constructive and objective and focused on improving the artist’s work.


A good example of cropping is present in this painting titled The Broadside of a Barn by Teresa Bernard.

The removal of extraneous or unwanted parts of an image, usually a photograph. It involves excluding part of a photo or illustration to show only the portion desired to fit a given space requirement. Cropping is often used to improve or redefine the composition or focal point of an artwork.


A 20th-century French art movement that uses two-dimensional geometric shapes to depict three-dimensional organic forms. A style of painting created by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque in which the artist breaks down the natural forms of the subjects into geometric shapes and creates a new kind of pictorial space.


A person responsible for overseeing and managing collections in cultural institutions like museums, galleries, and libraries. Their responsibilities include the research, interpretation, and building of collections. As well as exhibition planning, educational outreach, and the preservation of collections. The term “curator” originates from the Latin word “cura” meaning “to take care.”


C is for Cyan

One of the four process colors used in printing, or CMYK, the C stands for cyan. Cyan is also a primary color, along with magenta, yellow, and black.


A large-scale panoramic painting that covers the interior walls of a circular room, providing a 360-degree view of a continuous scene, typically a landscape. The goal is to give viewers the sensation of actually standing in the midst of the location that is depicted in the image. Real objects were frequently positioned in the foreground to heighten the senses. In the late 1800s, cycloramas became increasingly popular as a kind of entertainment that drew large crowds of people.

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This art terms dictionary is provided as a valuable resource for art enthusiasts. If you like the information here and find it helpful, please consider purchasing a painting. Your support helps to cover the cost of keeping this art dictionary online. Simply click or tap the thumbnail link of any Teresa Bernard oil painting to view additional details.

people in artwork
Sisters in Lavender
24″ w x 18″ h
landscape paintings
Raggedy Ol’ Farmhouse (2021)
12″ w x 9″ h

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Art Terms and Definitions — D

art terms dictionary

DADA     |     DPI

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An avant-garde art movement that emerged during World War I in Europe in negative reaction to the atrocities and folly of war. Dada artists poked fun at all the established traditions and tastes in art with works that were deliberately satirical and nonsensical.


A resin used in varnishes and inks, derived from timber trees in Malaya and Indonesia, as well as coniferous and hardwood trees in Southeast and East Asia.

DayGlo Colors

Also called fluorescent colors and neon colors, are bright, clean materials with a unique “glowing” effect under ultraviolet or black light. They are widely used to attract attention, focus attention on objects, warn people of hazardous situations, and get an object or situation noticed. They are commonly used in traffic cones, detergent packaging, tennis balls, and fishing lures, and can be found in various media including oil and acrylic paints, inks, dyes, markers, and crayons. See also, “fluorescent colors.”

Dead Color Layer

A crucial stage in painting, consisting of a monochrome underpainting as the base layer before additional layers of paint are applied to create depth and vibrancy. This stage establishes the composition, as well as main light and dark relationships in the final artwork. Also referred to as the monochrome version of the final painting.


Artwork consisting of ten panels or parts where each panel depicts a different but related depiction. The panels can be hinged together or presented side-by-side to make one large image. Decaptych is not a widely used term, although it is used in the visual arts. It comes from the Greek words “deca” which means ten and “ptych” refers to a panel or segment of a larger work of art. See also “polyptych.”

Decorative Art

A form of visual art that involves the design and decoration of objects that have both aesthetic and practical value. Ceramics, jewelry, enamels, furniture, glass, ivory, metals, and textiles are examples of decorative art forms, particularly when utilized as interior decoration.


A French word meaning “paste-up.” The Victorian craft of cutting out motifs from paper, gluing them to a surface, and covering the glued-on paper with as many layers of varnish as is required to give a completely smooth finish.

Depth of Field

In photography, the area in front of and behind the focused point that is sharp. A shallow depth of field is used in portraits to provide a soft backdrop, while a greater depth of field is useful for landscapes to ensure everything from the foreground to the background is in focus. Shorter (wide-angle) lenses and smaller apertures increase the depth of field.


The systematic arrangement of design elements to achieve a single effect, encompassing the organization and composition of a work. An effective design combines elements of art and design principles to achieve a sense of unity.


A designer is a person who plans the appearance and function of a product, structure, or system before it’s made. They work in various disciplines like architecture, engineering, urban planning, and industrial design. Designers communicate ideas through visual representations and use design tools like digital design and sketches to create artwork. Different types of designers include graphic, fashion, and interior designers.


The process of relating the elements, whether similar or contrasting, and visually arranging an interesting unity with them using the design principles.

Digital Art

Refers to artworks created with software on a computer platform. This includes images crafted entirely on a computer, as well as photographs and hand-drawn illustrations that have been digitized and altered or completed using software like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. It is also known by other terms such as computer art, multimedia art, and new media art.


(Pronounced dip-tick). A work of art consisting of two painted or carved panels where each panel depicts a different but related scene. The panels can be hinged together or presented side-by-side. The term “diptych” comes from the Greek words “di” (meaning “two”) and “ptychē” (meaning “fold”).


Refers to the emphasis or focus that is placed on a particular area or feature within a work, while other areas or elements are assigned subordinate or supporting roles.


A drawing created while a person’s attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple sketches that may hold specific representational significance or be merely a collection of arbitrary and abstract strokes.


To draw or sketch aimlessly, especially when preoccupied.

Double Exposure

A technique used in film and photography to expose two images onto one negative or sheet of photographic paper.

Double Loading

A painting technique that involves loading a brush with two colors side by side. This is a technique typical of tole and other kinds of decorative painting. Also known as “sideloading.”


The act of representing an image on a surface by adding lines and shades, as with a pencil, crayon, pen, chalk, pastels, etc. It also refers to a hand-drawn illustration.

Drip Painting

An abstract art style that gained popularity in the 20th century through the work of Jackson Pollock. This technique involves dripping or pouring paint onto the canvas, highlighting movement and spontaneity to create dynamic and unique effects.


Stands for “dots per inch.” DPI is a measure of dot density that refers to the number of individual dots in a line across a 1-inch span. Higher DPI values result in better print quality and sharper images, affecting image clarity and detail. It characterizes the resolution of hard copy prints and digital prints.

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This dictionary of art terms is provided as a valuable resource for art enthusiasts. If you like the information here and find it helpful, please consider purchasing a painting. Your support helps to cover the cost of keeping this art terminology lexicon online. Simply click or tap the thumbnail link of any Teresa Bernard oil painting to view additional details.

flower paintings
Dill Flowers Close-up (2021)
6″ w x 6″ h
landscape paintings
Devils Tower
6″ w x 6″ h

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Art Terms and Definitions — E

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Earth Art

See “Land Art.”


art terms

An upright support, typically a tripod, used for displaying items. It is commonly used to support an artist’s canvas while painting or to exhibit a finished painting. Artists’ easels come in a range of sizes and styles, from sturdy studio easels to lightweight, portable designs suitable for plein air excursions.

Ecological Art

(Also called “eco-art.”)
A contemporary art genre and artistic practice created by artists worldwide concerned about local and global environmental situations. Artworks that are made from recycled and natural materials.


art dictionary

A color similar to that of unbleached linen. Once considered a shade of beige, it has now become more precisely defined as “a grayish yellow that is greener and paler than chamois or old ivory.” Ecru comes from the French word écru, which means “unbleached.”

Egg Tempera

A permanent, fast-drying painting medium used for fine art, restoration, and icon painting. It consists of pigments mixed with a water-soluble binder, typically egg yolk. This was a very common medium before the invention of oil paints.

Elements of Art

The fundamental “building blocks” of artmaking. They are color, form, line, shape, texture, and value. Without them, it would be impossible for an artist to create art.


A process in printing to create a raised surface during the printmaking processes by means of engraved dies or plates.


A design principle that draws attention to a single area or focal point within an artwork, giving it dominance and making it stand out. Without emphasis, a composition is merely a collection of equally important features, and nothing stands out when it lacks emphasis.

En Plein Air Painting

(Also called “Plein air painting.”)
Refers to creating artwork outdoors, directly in the natural environment. Instead of working in a studio, artists venture into the open air to capture scenes, landscapes, and people using natural light. This approach allows them to observe changing weather conditions, light, and atmosphere firsthand. The French Impressionists popularized plein air painting, emphasizing spontaneity and the immediacy of perception. Notable artists who practiced this technique include Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Alfred Sisley.

Encaustic Painting

(Also known as hot wax painting.)
A technique that involves applying a heated wax medium infused with colored pigments to a surface, often using wood or canvas. The medium consists of beeswax and damar resin, mixed with oil paint or ink. Metal tools and specialized brushes shape the medium as it cools, while heat lamps or torches fuse and bind the layers. This technique allows for sculpting and layering materials within the wax.


An artistic work consisting of nine panels or canvases where each panel depicts a different but related scene. The panels can be hinged together or presented side-by-side to make one large image. Enneaptych is not a widely used term, although it is used in the visual arts. It comes from the Greek words “ennea” (meaning “nine”) and “ptychē” (meaning “fold”). Also see “polyptych.”

Entomological Art

See “insect art.”

Environmental Art

Artistic works intended to enrich or blend in with the surrounding natural environment. It includes historical perspectives on nature as well as more contemporary ecological and political works that seek to improve the environment, integrate with it, or make a statement about environmental challenges.


A printmaking technique that creates an impression on a metal plate by incising an image through an acid-resistant coating, then submerging the plate in acid to corrode exposed areas.

Ethnographic Art

See “Tribal Art.”


A public showing of a piece or a collection of artworks. Also called an exhibit.


Post-World War I European art movement that emphasized the expression of inner experience rather than a solely realistic portrayal. This art form emphasizes subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist rather than objective reality. Expressionism is marked by its use of distorted lines and shapes, along with exaggerated colors, to evoke emotional resonance. Vincent van Gogh is highly regarded as a pioneer of this artistic movement.

External Focus

In the realm of art, this term refers to an approach where artists draw inspiration from the physical world around them. Artists with an external focus observe and depict their surroundings. This external perspective often leads to the creation of objective art, which is experienced by viewers rather than emanating solely from the artist’s internal thoughts or emotions.

Opposite of “internal focus.”

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This dictionary of art definitions is provided as a valuable resource for art enthusiasts. If you like the information here and find it helpful, please consider purchasing a painting. Your support helps to cover the cost of keeping this art terms lexicon online. Simply click or tap the thumbnail link of any Teresa Bernard oil painting to view additional details.

ballerina paintings
Ballerina Feet En Pointe (2022)
6″ w x 8″ h
astronomy painting
Little Star Gazer
9″ w x 12″ h
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The Garden Cottage (2020)
6″ w x 6″ h

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Art Terms and Definitions — F

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Fan Art (or Fanart)

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Fanart of a popular 1960’s TV sci-fi series, “Spock” of Star Trek. Artist unknown.

Artwork created by the fans of popular fictional books, TV shows, movies, comics, etc. Such works are typical of favorite characters or scenes that are hand-drawn, painted, or digitally produced using a computer program. Fanart is considered a form of artistic expression for fans to convey their love and appreciation for the cultural icon they are creating artwork for. They are neither commissioned works of art nor endorsed by the creators of the fictional work the fan art depicts.

Fan Art Brush

visual art vocabulary words

A flat brush with a thin layer of hairs spread out in the shape of a fan and a flat ferrule on a long handle. This brush is excellent for smoothing, blending, and feathering. The synthetic hairs are perfect for painting highlights and flowing strands of hair, grasses, leaves, and thin branches on trees, creating textural effects, and blending the soft edges of clouds. A word of caution, though: be careful not to make identical or repetitive marks that look unnatural.

Fantasy Art

A genre of art that combines fantasy or one’s imagination and reality, and frequently features mythological, magical, and supernatural themes. Fantasy art is the product of an artist’s vivid imagination and can be figurative and naturalistic rather than abstract.

Fat Over Lean Rule

A technique used in oil painting that dictates that each successive layer of paint be applied with slightly more oil and that ‘leaner’ paint is layered beneath ‘fatter’ paint. Lean paint is paint that has been mixed with a paint thinner. Fat paint is paint that has a higher oil content by adding an oily medium such as linseed oil which makes it more flexible and takes longer to dry. This technique helps prevent the paint from cracking in the finished work since the lower oil content in the initial layers dry faster. Following this rule ensures proper paint adhesion to the canvas, ensuring the painting’s durability and longevity.


An art movement that flourished around the turn of the twentieth century in France, comprised of a group of artists known as Les Fauves (the wild beasts), whose painting style stressed high-contrast colors and aggressive brushwork, displaying a more raw and less natural manner of expression. Fauvism is characterized by its use of bright colors, textured brushwork, and non-naturalistic portrayals. André Derain and Henri Matisse were the movement’s leaders.

Federal Arts Project

A government initiative designed to create jobs for American artists during the Great Depression. The program, part of the New Deal, was established in 1935 and dissolved in 1943.


Refers to the metal or plastic devise that aligns and anchors paintbrush bristles or hairs in an adhesive. Ferrules can be made from tin, aluminum, brass, copper alloys, nickel, or chrome plated. Quality brushes have a brass or copper alloy ferrule. The ferrule is attached to the handle by crimping or by binding wires. High-quality ferrules won’t rust or come loose. Also see “Brush Anatomy.”

Figurative Art

See Representational Art.

Figure Drawing

An art form that involves sketching the human figure in various shapes and postures, often done live with a nude model. This art form can take various forms, from highly detailed renderings to loose and expressive sketches. The term can also refer to the act of producing such a drawing.

Filbert Art Brush

A flat, oval-shaped brush with medium to long chiseled, rounded edge hairs and a thick, flat ferrule on a long handle. This brush is ideal for blending soft, rounded edges, like flower petals. Its curved tip allows for easy control of blending and softening edges. It creates thin lines when used on its side, and broad brushstrokes when used flat. By varying the pressure as you use the brush, you can create a tapering mark.


A technique used to produce delicate, intricate patterns in metal such as metal beads, clasps, and bead caps.

Fine Art

ballet dancer fine art
The Ballerina by Teresa Bernard

A visual expression of human creativity, involving technical skills and imagination, created for aesthetic expression, communication, or contemplation. Painting and sculpture are the best-known of the fine arts. For more information on this topic, see blog article “What is Fine Art?”

Fine Artist

A practitioner (such as a painter or sculptor) of the fine arts who earns a living from their artistic creations. When an artist has mastered their craft and their work is highly valued, they are regarded as fine artists.


A liquid, similar to varnish, is sprayed over a finished piece of artwork to preserve it better and prevent smudging. Artwork media requiring fixatives include drawings done in pencil, charcoal, and pastel.

Flat Art Brush

visual art vocabulary words

A brush with a flat-shaped end, like a screwdriver, having a flat ferrule and medium-to-long brush strands. The strands are arranged in a rectangular shape that is longer than wide. Looking at it from the side, it is narrow. This brush is ideal for bold, sweeping strokes, washes, filling wide spaces, and impasto. It can also be used for fine lines, straight edges, and stripes. Used flat produces broad brushstrokes, while turned on the narrow edge produces thin strokes. Flat art brushes are primarily used for covering large areas with flat strokes and blending.

Fluorescent Colors

Refers to colors that absorb and reflect more light than conventional colors. As a result, these pigments are brighter and more intense than normal colors. They are so saturated that they feel as if they might continue to glow without a light source. Fluorescent colors emit a vivid brightness that makes them seem like they emit light, especially when viewed under a blacklight. Fluorescent colors react to ultraviolet light and convert light to a dominant wavelength or color. There are six fluorescent colors, they are: blue, green, orange, pink, red, and yellow. Some people refer to fluorescent colors as neon. All fluorescent colors are “fugitive.”

Flower Art

flower art
White Calla Lilies on Blue by Teresa Bernard

A broad term for a style of artwork that encompasses various artistic mediums featuring flowers or floral motifs. It can include paintings, drawings, sculptures, and even digital or computer art. There are many different styles of flower artwork, ranging from realistic to abstract. For more on flower art, click here.

Foam Core

A strong, stiff, resilient, and lightweight board of polystyrene laminated with paper on both sides; used as backing for art prints before framing. Also referred to as “foam board.”

Focal Point

A specific area, element, or principle that dominates a work of art; the area in a work in which the eye is most compellingly drawn. The viewer’s eye is usually drawn there first.

Folk Art

Art created by individuals who have had no formal academic training in art but whose works are part of an established tradition of style and craftsmanship. It is characterized by a naïve style in which traditional rules of proportion and perspective are not employed.


In typography, a complete set of characters in a particular size and style of type. This includes the letter set, the number set, and all of the special characters and diacritical marks you get by pressing the shift, option, or command/control keys.


The field of font design. A person who designs fonts is a “fontographer.”


The area of a painting that visually appears closest to the viewer. It is often located on a lower plane or bottom of the canvas.


A form of perspective used to create the illusion of an object receding strongly into the distance or background by shortening the lines with which that object is drawn. To shorten an object to make it look as if it extends backward into space.


The visible shape and volume of a three-dimensional work, including unfilled areas that are integral to the work as a whole.

Formal Balance

See Symmetrical Balance.

Fractal Art

glossary of art terms

A mathematically generated pattern that is reproducible at any magnification or reduction. A geometric pattern repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry.


Something made to enclose a picture or a mirror; enclosed in a frame, as a picture.

Freehand Drawing

The art of drawing without the use of tools or mechanical devices like grids, rulers, and compasses. To draw something freehand, you must not use any aids such as tracing or measuring either. Freehand artists draw using only their hands, relying on their observational skills to measure and depict what they observe.

French Curve

A versatile drawing tool used by artists, draftspersons, and designers to create smooth curves that don’t strictly follow the circle’s curve. A French curve is a thin, clear, hard material template, often made of plastic, with several different curves and shapes in a scroll or curved form. These curves allow for more organic and varied shapes, adding a touch of fluidity and naturalness to artistic compositions. Also called a drawing curve, irregular curve, or airplane curve.


The technique of blending wet plaster with water-based paint. As the plaster dries, it becomes a lasting surface base. The term applies to the technique as well as the painting itself.

Frottage Art

An art technique developed by Max Ernst in 1925. The technique entails placing a sheet of paper on top of a rough or textured surface and rubbing a soft pencil, graphite, chalk, crayon, or other medium over it to obtain an impression of the surface texture of the material underneath the sheet. The French word for rubbing is “frottage.”

Fugitive Colors

Short-lived pigments capable of fading or changing, especially with exposure to light, to atmospheric pollution, or when mixed with certain substances.

Functional Art

A genre of art that combines form and function, creating objects that are both beautiful and useful. This includes high-quality, artistically crafted objects like dishes and clothes, as well as aesthetic objects like furniture, lighting, and books. Also known as “utilitarian art.”

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This glossary of art terms is provided as a valuable resource for art enthusiasts. If you like the information here and find it helpful, please consider purchasing a painting. Your support helps to cover the cost of keeping this art vocabulary list and lexicon online. Simply click or tap the thumbnail link of any Teresa Bernard oil painting to view additional details.

visual art
Monument Valley
16″ w x 12″ h
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Red and White Cosmos (2023)
6″ w x 8″ h

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Art Terms and Definitions — G

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Refers to a building, hall, room, or series of rooms where sculpture, paintings, photographs, or other works of art are exhibited and or sold. Unlike museums, galleries focus on displaying contemporary and current artworks, often showcasing innovative pieces by rising artists. Visitors can view the art, engage with it, and inquire about purchasing specific works.

Gallery-wrapped Canvas

art definitions glossary

A type of canvas used by artists to create paintings on top of the canvas surface. Canvas fabric is stretched across and wrapped around wooden stretcher bars. It is then attached to the back of the stretcher bars using staples or spline. Gallery-wrapped canvas allows artists to paint on the sides or edges of the canvas and to hang it without a frame. Some artists and collectors prefer the more contemporary look of unframed art. For more information see blog article “Three Types of Oil Painting Canvas.”


From the French word meaning “kind” or “genus.” A realistic style of painting that depicts scenes of everyday life. Dutch artworks of peasant and tavern scenes are considered typical genre paintings.

Genre Painting

art terms and definitions glossary

A realistic style of painting that depicts scenes of everyday life. It shows average folks going about their lives, whether they are at work or having fun. These paintings feature intimate scenes of daily life, costumes, residential settings, interiors, festivities, bar scenes, marketplaces, and other street scenarios. It might also represent a crowded street, a beach party, a dinner gathering, or any other location where life happens. Dutch artworks of peasant and tavern scenes are considered typical genre paintings.

Geometric Art

An art movement that emerged in the early 20th century by artists fascinated with geometric shapes. Inspired by geometry, a type of mathematics, geometric art is a form of abstract art that uses basic shapes like squares, circles, triangles, and rectangles in its designs. Geometric artworks can be created using various materials like paint, ink, pencil, paper, metal, and plastic. And it is often used to create seamless patterns, abstract backgrounds, and various photo effects.


art vocabulary and meanings

A primer or coating made of plaster, chalk, or gypsum, bound with glue, applied to canvases to ensure they are suitable for paint application. Without this layer of primer, the paint would soak into the weave and possibly damage the canvas material. When applying multiple layers of gesso, it is best to lightly sand each layer before applying the next one. Gesso can be applied to just about any surface and may be painted on with acrylic or oil paint. It can also be built up, molded into relief designs, or carved.

Gesture Drawing

A freehand drawing technique used by artists to quickly capture the action, form, and pose of a model or figure. It involves using the whole arm with loose movements, focusing on the shape rather than details. This method is beneficial in improving the hand and eye coordination for artists of all levels, from beginners to experienced.


(Pronounced “zee-clay”) a printmaking process usually on an IRIS inkjet printer to make reproductions of a photograph or painting. The printer can produce a vast range of colors, resulting in prints that are of exceptionally high quality.


An acronym for “Graphic Interchange Format,” an image format type generated specifically for computer use. Its resolution is usually very low (72 dpi, or that of your computer screen), making it undesirable for printing purposes.

Gild the Lily

A phrase meaning to add unnecessary ornamentation to something already beautiful.


A decorative method that involves applying a thin layer of gold or similar metal to solid surfaces such as metal, wood, porcelain, or stone. The process enhances the object’s appearance, creating a luxurious and ornate finish.


Refers to a thin, translucent layer of acrylic or oil paint applied to a painting. It modifies the appearance of the underlying paint layer, altering aspects such as chroma, value, hue, and texture. Glazes consist of a small amount of pigment mixed with a greater amount of binding medium. Artists use glazing to create depth, enhance luminosity, and allow underlying colors to shine through.

Gold Leaf

An extremely thin tissue of gold used for gilding.

Golden Ratio

golden mean diagram
The Golden Ratio

A compositional technique that creates harmonious proportions in paintings by utilizing a mathematical ratio found in nature. It is an actual ratio of 1:1.618, which can be demonstrated by drawing a rectangle with a width of 1 and a length of 1.618. Within this rectangle, there is a square with a ratio of 1:1 and another rectangle with a ratio of 1:1.618. If another square is drawn within the smaller rectangle, it will have a ratio of 1:1 and another rectangle with a ratio of 1:1.618. This ratio can create beauty and balance in the layout and design of all paintings. The point where the diagonal lines intersect is crucial when using this ratio to compose your paintings, as it is infinitely divisible, allowing multiple intersections for sub-elements. Also referred as the “golden mean.”


See “iridescence.”

Good Design Principles

The basic building blocks an artist uses to organize or arrange the various elements that comprise a design or composition within a work of art. The principles are balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, proportion, space, unity, and visual economy. Also referred to as the “principles of design” or the “principles of composition.”

Gothic Art

A medieval style of art that emerged in Northern France in the 12th century. It is distinguished by meticulous workmanship, elaborate decorations, and religious themes. It evolved from Romanesque art and Gothic architecture and is commonly linked with towering cathedrals with pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and spectacular stained glass. Renaissance Italian writers developed the term Gothic to describe the evolution of medieval architecture after the barbarian Gothic tribes destroyed the Roman Empire and its classical culture in the fifth century.


A type of watercolor paint made heavier and more opaque by the addition of a white pigment (chalk, Chinese white, etc.) in a gum arabic mixture. This results in a stronger color than ordinary watercolor.


The gradual transition from one color to another, from lighter to darker shades, or large shapes to smaller ones.

Graffiti Art

A term used to describe visual artwork that has been spray-painted, drawn, or inscribed on public surfaces such as walls and sidewalks. While some view it as vandalism, others appreciate it as a form of expression aimed at beautifying urban landscapes by transforming dull or empty spaces.

Graphic Art

A diverse visual expression, often created on flat surfaces. It uses a variety of techniques to represent subjects, including drawing, painting, and photography. It also includes decorative elements, patterns, and designs for aesthetic purposes. Graphic art can be textual or use printing techniques like engraving. Most graphic art is two-dimensional, with emphasis on line, color, and tone. It combines creativity, technique, and visual communication to create captivating and expressive works.

Graphic Artist

Graphic artists are creative professionals who create visual materials to convey emotions, stories, and messages to audiences. They focus on artistic expression and work in both traditional and digital media. They create original artwork, illustrations, or animations for various projects, including advertisements, posters, book covers, comic books, graphic novels, animations, film illustrations, and cartoons. Graphic artists use their skills and tools to design images, logos, illustrations, animations, and other elements for various media and purposes.

Graphic Design

The art of arranging images and text to convey a message, applied in various media like print, digital, motion pictures, animation, product decoration, packaging, and signs. As a practice, graphic design traces its beginnings back to the origin of the written word. However, it only became identified as a separate entity in the late 19th century. 

Graphic Designer

(Often used interchangeably with the term “graphic artist.”)
A specialist who creates and communicates visual concepts through the integration of technology and art. Graphic designers focus on effective communication strategies within specified specifications utilizing text, images, colors, fonts, and other elements to design and layout information for a variety of mediums such as websites, printed pages, brochures, magazines, banners, and advertisements. Their goal is to inform, inspire, and captivate consumers with their designs, reflecting the desired message and brand of their clients or customers. They ensure readability and aesthetically pleasing layouts using principles like contrast, balance, and visual hierarchy.


A metallic gray writing and drawing material made of carbon primarily used in pencil form. Artists use graphite for drawing. Graphite’s thin, refined strokes create delicate lines, making it a versatile tool for both preliminary sketches and final pieces.


The range of gray tones between black and white (see illustration).

art vocabulary and meanings



The color that is created when blue and yellow (primary colors) are mixed together.  Green is one of the three secondary colors (orange, green, and violet) on the color wheel. (See Secondary Colors.) The complement or opposite of the color red. Part of the RGB color model used on television and computer screens.


Refers to a series of crossed lines that meet to form a boxed pattern used in the predetermined placement of photographs and graphic elements on a canvas. Helpful in creating compositions.

Grid Enlarging

grid enlarging

The process of using a grid to enlarge an image; for hand drawing very precisely another image on the same or a different scale, usually larger; used in scaling an image by drawing. For more information on using this method, see the article titled Using a Grid to Enlarge and Transfer an Image to Canvas.


Monochrome painting generally employs shades of gray executed in a black pigment and an inert white pigment in oil, gouache, or tempera; a stained-glass window incorporating muted tones as opposed to bright colors.

Guerrilla Art

art vocabulary and meanings
Guerrilla art by Banksy.

(Also called “street art.”)
A form of art-making that entails installing unauthorized works of art in public places. This form of art expression allows the artist to express their views and opinions to a large audience anonymously. Such statements can be either political or merely to call attention to one’s surroundings. Guerrilla art differs from other forms of art. It is inherently environmental and does not rely on conventional mediums like canvas. Traditional artworks can be transported between galleries without altering their essence or interpretation; however, guerrilla art is different. The very surface that it adorns often plays a crucial role in the significance of the work, just as much as the artwork itself.

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This glossary of art definitions is provided as a valuable resource for art enthusiasts. If you like the information here and find it helpful, please consider purchasing a painting. Your support helps to cover the cost of keeping this art vocabulary and meanings lexicon online. Simply click or tap the thumbnail link of any Teresa Bernard oil painting to view additional details.

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Gone Surfing
12″ w x 16″ h
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Galaxy of The Spanish Dancer (2022)
24″ w x 18″ h

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Art Terms and Definitions — H

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A reprographic technique used in printing and graphic design. It creates the illusion of continuous-tone imagery by using dots that vary in size or spacing. These dots simulate gradients or shades of color. When viewed from a distance, the patterned areas appear as smooth tones. Halftone images consist of thousands of small dots, and they play a pivotal role in printing, allowing for depth and gradation in monochromatic spaces

Hard-Edge Painting

Refers to a twentieth-century movement in painting in which the edges of shapes are crisp and precise rather than soft or blurred. The opposite of blending. This technique consists of rough, straight edges that are geometrically uniform and encompass rich solid colors, neatness of surface, and the arrangement of forms all over the canvas.

Harmonious Colors

art terms vocabulary
Color Wheel

Colors that go well together and sit next to each other on the color wheel. For example: red and orange; orange and yellow; yellow and green; green and blue; blue and purple; purple and red. Complementary colors, analogous colors, and other related colors schemes are also considered harmonious.


The unity of all the visual elements of a composition achieved by the repetition of the same characteristics or those that are similar. Harmony serves to bind the various parts into a whole.


A technique used in art to create tonal or shading effects by drawing or painting closely spaced parallel lines. When lines are crossed or placed at an angle to one another, the method is called cross-hatching. Artists use this modeling technique, indicating tone and suggesting light and shade, by varying the length, angle, closeness, and other qualities of the lines, most commonly used in drawing, linear painting, engraving, and ethnic art.

Hierarchy of the Genres

A ranking system introduced by the great European Academies in 1669 in the wake of the Italian Renaissance. It comprised five painting-genres that were based on a genre’s prestige and cultural value: (1) History painting (narrative compositions); (2) Portraiture; (3) Genre-Painting (everyday scenes featuring human subjects); (4) Landscape Painting (scenic views); and (5) Still Life (arrangements of domestic objects).


Refers to an artwork, typically a painting, segmented into seven distinct panels. Each panel illustrates a distinct yet related scene, and the panels may be joined with hinges or displayed adjacently. Although the term “heptaptych” is not commonly utilized, it is acknowledged in the visual arts community. Also called “septych” in Latin. Also see “polyptych.”

HEX Color System

A way of representing colors from various color models through hexadecimal values. The term “hex” comes from the word “hexadecimal.” A hexadecimal color follows the format #RRGGBB, where RR represents red, GG represents green, and BB represents blue. A hex code is made up of six digits, usually preceded by a hashtag (#). The numbers in this code correspond to the amount of red, green, and blue in the color.


(Pronounced hex-ap-tick). A work of art consisting of six panels or sections where each panel depicts a different but related scene. These six panels can be connected to form a larger composition or display as separate images. The term itself comes from the Ancient Greek words “hexa” (meaning “six”) and “ptychē” (meaning “fold”). Also see, “polyptych.”


An area of intense brightness that reflects the most light. A technique used in art to direct attention or to emphasize through the use of pigment or color.

Historical Paintings (or History Paintings)

art vocabulary glossary

Artwork that incorporates a theme from classical history, mythology, or the Bible. They can represent a wide range of historical events, subjects, or themes. History paintings often portray a scene from a significant event from the past. The example shown is a historical painting depicting the death of General Wolfe.

Horizon Line

fence post and meadow horizon line
Fence Post in The Meadow by Teresa Bernard

A level line in a painting where the earth’s surface (or sea) and the sky appear to meet. It defines the farthest distance of the background and is the place where a central vanishing point is established. The horizon line will ALWAYS be at eye level, regardless of whether you are at ground level or standing on a mountaintop. It changes as you change positions. The line at the top of mountains or buildings is not the horizon line; these objects “rest” on the horizon line. Sometimes hills, trees, buildings, or other objects can hide it from view, but the horizon line will always be present.

Horizontal Balance

Refers to the even distribution of visual elements across the horizontal axis in a piece of art. This balance results in a feeling of equilibrium and steadiness within the artwork.

Hudson River School

A prominent American art movement from 1825-1875, formed by a group of landscape painters who emphasized the beauty and significance of the American wilderness. Their meticulously portrayed landscapes, often idealized, captured the ruggedness and sublimity of the Hudson Valley.


Refers to the name of a color, such as red, green, or yellow. Hue is the primary attribute of a color that differentiates it from the others.


A genre of art that emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s as an extension of photorealism. Hyperrealism is characterized by its meticulous precision and acute attention to detail, often achieving a level of realism where the artwork is almost indistinguishable from a high-resolution photograph. Artists meticulously study photographs and then reproduce the images with lifelike accuracy, creating a trompe l’oeil effect—deceiving the viewer into thinking they’re looking at a real photograph.

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rural landscapes artwork
9″ w x 12″ h
wildlife portrait
The Texas Horned Lizard (2018)
6″ w x 6″ h
ocean view sunset painting
Sunset in The Tropics
6″ w x 6″ h

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Art Terms and Definitions — I

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An artistic visual representation or symbol of anything considered holy and divine, such as God, saints, or deities. An icon could be a painting (including a relief painting), sculpture, or mosaic. It also refers to a little picture on a computer screen that represents the various functions of the computer. Generally, the user clicks on an icon to start an application or function.


A technique in art that creates the illusion of a real object or scene, or a sculpture where the artist portrays figures in a realistic manner, tricking the eye into believing the objects are real and occupying the same space as the viewer. A concept also known as mimesis.


To create designs and pictures for books, magazines, or other print or electronic media to clarify or explain the text or show what happens in a story.


A visualization, such as a drawing, painting, photograph, or other work of art, stresses the subject more than form. The aim of an illustration is to elucidate or decorate a story, poem, or piece of textual information (such as a newspaper article) by providing a visual representation of something described in the text.

Illustration Board

Heavy paper or card appropriate for pencil, pen, watercolor, collage, etc.


A graphic artist who specializes in enhancing the written text by providing a visual representation that corresponds to the content of the associated text. Also refers to a computer illustration program developed by Adobe Systems, Inc.


A painting technique where paint is applied thickly to a canvas or panel so that brushstrokes or palette knife marks are visible. Originating in 14th-century Italy, it gained popularity during the Renaissance, when artists like Michelangelo began using impasto in their sculptures and paintings.

Implied Line

A line in an artwork that is subtlety perceived by the viewer but has no physical shape and flows from one area to the next, implying continuation by similar direction and juxtaposition.


art vocabulary

A free and spontaneous painting style that began in France around 1870. It appears rough and incomplete, marked by small, thin, and noticeable brushstrokes. Impressionist artists frequently painted en plein air to capture the natural light and color of the landscape. They seldom used black, opting instead for dark tones and complementary colors. Impressionism typically conveys the artist’s immediate impression, rather than an intricate depiction. Claude Monet and Camille Pissarro were pivotal figures in this art movement.


An Italian term meaning “first paint layer,” is a transparent, toned stain applied to the canvas in painting. It is an initial layer that serves as a uniform ground and foundation for subsequent paint layers.

India Ink

A simple black or colored ink, made from a black pigment consisting of lampblack and glue, used for drawing and outlining, especially when inking comic books and comic strips.

Indian River School

An American art movement of the 1950s and early 1960s. A group of artists collaborated to create dramatic and power-filled images portraying scenes in Florida. The group was heavily influence by a Florida naturalist named, A.E. “Beanie” Backus. The group created their artworks using materials like Masonite, Upson board, canvas board and canvas. Furthermore, rather than selling through art galleries, the artists sold their work directly to customers along highways.

Industrial Design

The design of the mass-produced products of our everyday environment, from sinks and furniture to computers. The word was first used in America in the 1920s to characterize the work of specialized designers who worked on product design.

Insect Art

monarch butterfly insect art
The Monarch Butterfly by Teresa Bernard

Refers to the illustration and depiction of insects in a detailed and accurate manner. It includes precise and realistic images of insects for research and education, as well as fine art that depicts their beauty and complexity. Artists make intriguing pieces based on the rich forms, colors, and features of numerous insects, such as butterfly wings and beetle armored exoskeletons. This special blend of science and creativity makes each insect a unique subject for artistic expression. Also called “entomological art.”


A printmaking technique where lines forming an image are cut into a metal plate and filled with ink. Pressing a sheet of paper against the inked plate transfers the print of the image onto the paper.

Intensity (or saturation) of color

Refers to the purity or dullness of a color. A color’s purity depends on whether it has been mixed with another hue and, if so, to what extent. The most vibrant colors are those straight from the tube. Colors mixed with different hues are considered less intense. To reduce the intensity of a color, there are two options: 1) mix the color with gray or 2) mix the color with its complement.

Intermediate Colors

See “tertiary colors.”

Internal Focus

In the realm of art, refers to a creative approach where artists draw inspiration from their thoughts and feelings. These artists delve into their inner world, seeking to express intangible concepts, emotions, or ideas. Rather than strictly portraying external reality, they use physical objects as a means to convey what lies within them. Surrealism, post-impressionism, fauvism, cubism, and abstract expressionism are examples of art movements driven by internally focused artists. Also referred to as “internal vision.” Opposite of “external focus.”

International Association of Astronomical Artists (IAAA)

astronomical artist painting
Asteroid Collision Course by Teresa Bernard

A global guild of artists that promotes astronomical and space art projects, using various mediums like painting, drawing, sculpting, blowing glass, and digital art to create space-themed images. For more on the IAAA, visit their website here.


A color change phenomenon that occurs on certain surfaces like an oil slick, soap bubble, or fish scales, that appears to gradually change color as the angle of view changes. This lustrous rainbow-like effect is due to the differential refraction of light waves. Also known as “goniochromism.”

Irregular Curve

See “French curve.”

Ivory Carving

art definitions

The carving or shaping of ivory into sculptures, ornaments, and decorative articles using animal tusks and teeth, notably from elephants, whales, and walruses, by using sharp cutting tools, either mechanically or manually.

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This art definitions and vocabulary resource is provided as a valuable resource for art enthusiasts. If you like the information here and find it helpful, please consider purchasing a painting. Your support helps to cover the cost of keeping this art definitions lexicon online. Simply click or tap the thumbnail link of any Teresa Bernard oil painting to view additional details.

visit distant worlds
In a Faraway Galaxy (2021) 
6″ w x 6″ h
insect canvas art
Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillar (2022)
6″ w x 8″ h
still life canvas art
Great-Grandma’s Fine China Teacup (2020)
6″ w x 6″ h

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The art definitions vocabulary dictionary is a work in progress. New terms and definitions are added on a regular basis. If you know of an art term and definition that isn’t already listed in it, but you believe it should be, send it to us and we’ll consider adding it. We’ll let you know if we do. Thanks!

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Art Terms and Definitions — J

art terms word list


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In computer graphics or display imaging, jaggies are stair-like edges or lines that occur where there should be “smooth” straight lines or curves. They appear when the resolution is low, and the viewer notices the individual pixels. Also known as “aliasing.” Anti-aliasing and smoothing techniques can be useful in reducing jaggies.

Jalee Work

Refers to marble slabs that have been carved and embellished to resemble latticework or screens in Indian architecture. Jalee screens help define interior spaces and lets light in producing patterns of light. On hot days, they let in refreshing breezes, and their delicate tracery makes an interior room feel more spacious and light-filled. Jalee is a Hindi word “jālī,” meaning network or latticework.

Japanese Prints

A color print executed from woodblocks in water-based inks and developed to a high degree of artistry by the Japanese, especially in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.


The influence of Japanese art, fashion, and aesthetics on Western culture, especially Impressionism.


An acronym for “Joint Photographic Experts Group” is a commonly used standard method of compressing photographic images on the Web. JPEG graphics are capable of reproducing a full range of colors while still remaining small enough for Web use.


Jewish ceremonial art or artifacts used by Jews for religious rituals or practices.

Junk Art

art terms word list

Three-dimensional works of art composed from old or discarded items, such as junk or trash, of little or no value. This form of artwork is deliberately not visually pleasing; it is unattractive (a.k.a. anti-aesthetic).

Justified Type

In typography, text spaced out between words to create columns with both edges flush and evenly aligned. With narrow columns, justification can create awkward gaps. However, with wide columns, justification can add elegant symmetry.


A natural fiber derived from flowering plants of the Malvaceae family, namely the Corchorus genus. It is often used to make twine and rope, as well as to weave sacking or matting. Jute is popular in macramé for crafting plant hangers, wall decorations, coasters, mats, and various fashion accessories. It’s rough texture and natural look are perfect for crafting charming, rustic designs.


Fine artworks produced by artists during their youth.


The act of placing or positioning items in the image area side by side or next to one another to illustrate some comparison.

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This word list of art terms and definitions is provided as a valuable resource for art enthusiasts. If you like the information here and find it helpful, please consider purchasing a painting. Your support helps to cover the cost of keeping this art words list lexicon online. Simply click or tap the thumbnail link of any Teresa Bernard oil painting to view additional details.

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A Boy and His Dog (2020)
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Contributing to The Art Dictionary

The art terms word list is a work in progress. New terms and definitions are added on a regular basis. If you know of an art term and definition that isn’t already listed in it, but you believe it should be, send it to us and we’ll consider adding it. We’ll let you know if we do. Thanks!

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