Art Terms and Definitions — Y

art definitions word index


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Yaddo Colony

An artists’ community and retreat located in Saratoga Springs, New York. Established in 1900, it provides residencies for writers, composers, visual artists, and other creative individuals. Artists from various disciplines come to Yaddo to focus on their work, collaborate, and find inspiration.

 Yale School of Art

The first professional fine arts school in the United States, founded in 1869. As part of Yale University, it grants Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degrees to students who complete intensive two-year programs in disciplines such as Graphic Design, Painting/Printmaking, Photography, and Sculpture. Additionally, the school offers undergraduate-level art courses to Yale College students.

Yardage Printing

Refers to the process of printing patterns or designs onto fabric in large quantities. It’s commonly used in textile design and fashion, where repeating motifs are applied to create fabric for clothing, upholstery, or home decor.

Yarn Bombing

(Also known as guerrilla knitting or yarn graffiti.)
A form of street art where colorful yarn or knitted pieces are wrapped around objects in public spaces. It adds a whimsical touch to urban environments and celebrates creativity.

Yarn Graffiti

(Also known as yarn bombing or guerrilla knitting.)
A delightful form of street art where colorful knitted or crocheted yarn is used to cover objects or structures in public spaces. Instead of traditional graffiti materials like paint, yarn bombers transform the urban landscape with soft, cozy fibers. It’s like adding warmth and whimsy to everyday surroundings!


In Indian art and architecture, a “yasti” refers to a decorative pillar or column. These pillars often feature intricate carvings and are found in temples, palaces, and other sacred or ceremonial structures.

YAM (Youth Art Month)

An acronym that stands for “Youth Art Month.” YAM celebrates the creativity and artistic expression of young artists in schools and communities. YAM encourages young people to explore their artistic talents, express themselves, and appreciate the value of visual arts education.

YBA (Young British Artists)

A loosely affiliated group of British artists who gained prominence in the late 1980s and 1990s. They were known for their provocative, often controversial works and their willingness to challenge traditional artistic norms. YBAs disrupted the art scene with their unconventional approaches, exploring themes like consumerism, identity, and mortality. Their impact on contemporary art remains significant.


art definitions word index

The color between orange and green on the color wheel. Considered to be the most visible color on the spectrum and the most attention-getting. One of the four primary colors used in printing ink (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black). One of the three primary colors used in art (red, yellow, and blue). The complement or opposite of the color violet. In painting, yellow is used to create a multitude of colors when mixed with other hues.

Yellow Ocher


(Also spelled yellow “ochre.”)
A natural earth pigment with a yellow or yellow-brown color. It has been used for centuries in painting, both as a pigment and as a colorant for various materials. Artists mix yellow ocher with other pigments to create warm yellows, browns, and earth tones. It’s a versatile color that appears in landscapes, still lifes, and figurative art.


A discoloration that can occur over time in oil paintings due to excessive use of linseed oil medium; applying any of the varnishes that are prone to yellow with age; or most often, an accumulation of dirt embedded into the varnish. Also referred to as “after-yellowing.”

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rose blossom fine art
Yellow Rose Blossom
6″ w x 6″ h
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Girl in The Red Dress
24″ w x 18″ h
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Still Life with Fruit and Candle (2004)
14″ w x 11″ h

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