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A medical diagnostic tool used extensively by conservators to determine how artists applied different layers of paint to create an image. The X-rays penetrate through multiple layers of paint to image the atomic weight or density of the various present materials. It can readily identify if repairs have been conducted on tears in the canvas, if there are holes in the panel support, and other similar issues. This information is extremely valuable to conservators, as it helps determine the best procedures to use in preserving the image. It can also assist art historians in the interpretation of the artwork and more specific dating.
An adjective that describes a color with a yellow tint or hue. Xanthic is a more specific and formal term often used in technical or scientific contexts. Not to be confused with the more common adjective “yellowish.” Whereas xanthic refers to a bright and vibrant yellow, yellowish is a more everyday term that suggests a paler or more muted yellow that lacks the intensity associated with xanthic. Although both terms describe yellows, their connotations and contexts do differ.
(Also called photocopying or xerocopy, a lesser-used term.)
A dry photocopying technique, originally called “electrophotography” and renamed xerography. It combines electrostatic printing with photography. The process uses no liquid chemicals and relies on a photoconductive surface that changes electrical resistance when exposed to light. Xerography is widely used in photocopy machines, laser printers, and digital presses.
An ancient wood engraving technique, originated in China during the 1st century and is considered the oldest known method of engraving. It encompasses woodblock printing and the reproduction of wood grain patterns, commonly utilized in interior design.
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