Quick links to more art terms and definitions are located at the end of the list.
Sable Brush
An artist’s brush made from the fur of any member of the weasel family with “red” hair. Despite what their name implies, sable brushes do not come from sables. Some less common natural hairs used for sable brushes are badger, camel, goat, mongoose, ox, pony, and squirrel. Sable brushes are softer and more delicate than bristle or synthetic brushes; however, they are more expensive and require more care. They are great for blending, glazing, and making soft, less-defined marks. The best sizes for this type of brush are one-half inches in width or smaller.
Sacred Art
Art created for religious use. It finds its home in places of worship, such as churches, temples, mosques, and synagogues. Sacred art, by its very nature, is “set apart” from the mundane. It serves a higher purpose—specifically, the enhancement of liturgy, worship, and humanity’s relationship with God. This aesthetic encourages believers to put their faith into action, and as such, it alludes to religious and spiritual pursuits. See also “Religious Art.”
Forms of Sacred Art include:
- Architecture: Sacred art encompasses architectural elements within religious buildings. These structures are not merely functional; they evoke a sense of the sacred.
- Icons: Icons hold a special place in sacred art, especially in Eastern Christian traditions. These flat, stylized images—often painted on wood panels—depict Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints, and angels. Icons serve as windows to the divine, inviting believers into communion with the heavenly realm.
- Paintings and Sculptures: Traditional religious paintings and sculptures depict biblical scenes, saints, and religious narratives. These artworks serve as visual aids for meditation, teaching, and devotion.
Sand Art
Involves the creative manipulation of sand to produce artistic forms. Artists and enthusiasts use various techniques to shape sand into visually captivating compositions. Some forms of sand art are:
- Sand Sculpting: This technique involves carving and shaping sand into three-dimensional forms. Sand sculptors create intricate structures, often resembling animals, mythical creatures, or architectural marvels. These sculptures can be temporary or more permanent if made from durable materials.
- Sand Painting: Sand painting is a two-dimensional art form where colored sand is carefully layered to create intricate patterns or scenes. Artists use their hands or tools to arrange the sand grains, producing visually striking designs.
- Sand Bottles: In this form of sand art, artists fill glass containers (such as bottles or vases) with layers of differently colored sand. The result is a beautiful, layered composition visible through the transparent glass.
Sans Serif
In typography, a typeface, such as Arial or Helvetica, does not have a serif (crossline) decorating the main strokes of the characters. Sans is French for “without.”
Screen Art
Refers to artwork that has been prepared for the screen-printing process. Proper setup of the artwork is crucial to achieve high-quality results in screen printing.
Screen Printing
A printmaking technique used to apply inked images to an underlying layer using a mesh stencil or a series of stencils. The ink is distributed to the desired area(s) by being pressed through a porous screen made from fabric (silk or synthetic) stretched tightly over a frame, hence the name screen printing. Also referred to as silk screening or silkscreen printing because silk was once used in the process. The most popular screen in general use is made of polyester. This process is used in printing screen art onto garments, such as T-shirts and sweatshirts, and such items as tote bags, towels, umbrellas, etc.
An artist who works with hard or plastic materials to shape them into three-dimensional art objects. Sculptors breathe life into inert matter, shaping it into tangible expressions of creativity. Their work bridges the gap between imagination and reality, inviting us to explore the depths of form and meaning.
Any three-dimensional form created as an artistic expression. Sculptures are fully independent and occupy space in the round. They can be viewed from all angles, and their form extends in three dimensions.

A painting that depicts the sea or a scene offering an expansive view of the ocean or sea. Seascapes include marine landscapes showing life around the sea with lighthouses, and beach scenes, as well as views of the ocean itself. Seascapes, which capture the beauty of the ocean from the shore, should not be mistaken for Maritime Art that portrays life on the open sea. For more on seascape art, click here.
Secondary Colors
Orange, green, and violet (purple). Secondary colors are created by mixing equal parts of any two primary colors (red, yellow, and blue).
- Red + yellow = orange
- Yellow + blue = green
- Blue + red = violet (purple)
Self Portrait

A portrait an artist makes using himself or herself as the subject. It is typically drawn or painted from a reflection in a mirror. A self-portrait may be of the artist only or one that is part of a larger work, including a group portrait. Vincent van Gogh was one of the most well-known and prolific self-portrait artists; between 1886 and 1889, he painted himself more than 43 times.
Also, refers to a portrait taken by the photographer of him/herself, either in a mirror, using a remote release, or with a self-timer.
A reddish-brown hue sometimes applied to black-and-white pictures, which gives the finished print an antique appearance often associated with monochrome photographs of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
In typography, a serif is a small line or stroke regularly attached to the end of a larger stroke in a letter or symbol within a particular font or family of fonts. Serifs add subtle details to letterforms, affecting readability and aesthetics.
(Also called screen printing. The term “serigraphy” comes from combining “seri” (Latin for “silk”) and “graphos” (Ancient Greek for “writing”).)
A printmaking technique that involves pushing ink through a mesh screen onto a substrate (such as paper or fabric). The process uses stencils to create patterns or images.
Serigraphy is widely used for producing high-quality prints, posters, textiles, and fine art. From iconic Warhol prints to contemporary textile designs, serigraphy continues to captivate artists and audiences alike.
(Pronounced sfoo·mah·toe.)
A Renaissance Italian painting technique that involves gradually blending colors and tones to create a subtle transition between different areas of a painting. This is achieved by applying multiple layers of transparent paint and softening the edges with a brush. The visual result is soft, imperceptible transitions between colors and tones, giving a sense of blurriness or smokiness.
Sfumato mimics the effect of human vision or the out-of-focus plane, creating a realistic and atmospheric rendering of facial features and other forms. Leonardo da Vinci, a Renaissance polymath, was a master of the sfumato technique, known for its fine shading and soft transitions between colors and tones. His most famous work, the Mona Lisa, is renowned for its use of this technique without lines or borders.
In the realm of color theory, “shade” refers to a specific variation of a color—one that has been darkened by the addition of black. A shade is created by taking a pure hue (or a mixture of pure colors) and adding black to it. Unlike tints (which involve adding white) or tones (which involve adding gray), a shade remains true to its original hue but becomes darker due to the influence of black. Importantly, a shade contains no white or gray—it’s a deepening of color without altering its fundamental identity.
Artists use shades strategically to create contrast, depth, and mood in their compositions. Shadows in a painting or the subtle variations within a monochromatic artwork often rely on shades. Understanding shades allows artists to manipulate the interplay of light and darkness, adding richness and complexity to their visual creations.
The technique of displaying transitions from light to dark or dark to light in an image. It involves darkening areas that would be in shadow and keeping others light to create illusions of dimension and depth.
An area that stands out from the space next to it or around it because of a defined boundary or a difference in value, color, or texture. It can be geometric (square, circle, hexagon, etc.) or organic (puddle, blob, splatter, etc.).
An opaque pigment often used in oil or acrylic painting. It possesses excellent lightfastness and blends well with other colors to produce various shades and tones. Sienna adds depth and warmth to landscapes, still life, and portraits. It ranks among the earliest pigments used by humans, including ochre and umber, as demonstrated in prehistoric cave paintings, and remains favored by artists even now.
An image or design depicted as a solid shape, typically in black, set against a lighter background. It often refers to profile portraits—either cut or painted—done in black on white or vice versa. Additionally, any distinct shadow or object outline can be considered a silhouette. These elegant forms celebrate simplicity, capturing the essence of subjects with minimalistic grace.
Silkscreen Printing
(Also known as Serigraphy.)
A stencil-based printmaking technique where ink is forced through a mesh screen onto paper or fabric, creating a design. It’s often used for T-shirt designs, posters, and fine art prints. Also see “Screen Printing.”
Simplicity (in art)
(Also known as Visual Economy.)
In the realm of artistic composition, simplicity refers to intentionally creating only what is essential within a work of art. It hinges on the artist’s deliberate choices regarding content—what to include and what to discard. Simplicity should not be mistaken for simplistic; it’s an elegant way to convey depth and impact. Simple paintings, photographs, or films can still carry complex meaning. As Leonardo da Vinci wisely said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
Simultaneous Contrast
A term used in art to describe how two distinct colors or values interact when positioned next to one another. According to the hypothesis, one color can cause the tone and hue of another to look brighter and more vivid. This idea is based on the complimentary color theory, which holds that although colors are the same in nature, their proximity to one another changes how we see them. Simultaneous contrast is essentially an intriguing way that two colors interact, changing our impression of the hue and tone of a surrounding color.
Site-Specific Art
A unique form of artwork created to exist in a specific location, often interacting with the environment or architecture of that space. Site-specific art is intentionally created to exist in a specific location, and its unique characteristics are meticulously considered during the planning and creation process. It can be found both indoors and outdoors, engaging with the surroundings in innovative ways.
A rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not usually intended as a finished work. It can serve various purposes: capturing what the artist sees, developing ideas, or quickly demonstrating an image or principle. Sketches can be made using various mediums, including silverpoint, graphite, pencil, charcoal, pastel, pen and ink, watercolor, and oil paint. They provide a cost-effective way for artists to explore and record their creative thoughts.
Social Realism
(Art history. Art movement: United States, 1920-1930s. Also known as Urban Realism.)
An art movement that arose between WWI and WWII to address social and political concerns. Artists used realism to make their art more accessible and legible to the public, often portraying their subjects as heroic symbols of persistence and strength. This movement aimed to expose and criticize social and political problems like poverty, oppression, injustice, and corruption.
Soft Pastels
Vibrant sticks of pure pigment held together with a binder. They’re versatile, blend smoothly, and allow for quick results—no drying time needed. You can create various marks by varying pressure and use them on their side for wide sweeps or on the tip for thinner lines. Blending is their forte, and they’re forgiving even if you smudge a bit.
The characteristics of soft pastels are:
- High Pigment Concentration: Soft pastels have a higher pigment concentration, resulting in intense colors.
- Less Binder: They contain less binder (usually gum arabic), making them softer and easier to blend.
- Texture: Their texture ranges from smooth and velvety to rough and gritty.
- Use: Perfect for blending, layering, and creating various effects.
- Surface: Can be used on paper, canvas, and board.
Solvent-free Oils
(Also called Water-soluble Oil Paint, water-mixable oils or water-miscible oil paints.)
Oil paints that are formulated to mix with water instead of traditional solvents. They contain modified oils (such as linseed or safflower oil) that do not produce harmful vapors. Solvent-free oils are especially helpful for people with allergies, home studios, students, and schools. By avoiding toxic solvents, artists can enjoy oil painting without health risks. Safer for artists, yet still high-quality.
Space (in art)
A design principle that refers to the interval or measurable distance between, around, above, below, or within shapes and forms in an art piece. It can be either negative space (empty) or positive space (occupied). In art, it can also be represented as two-dimensional or three-dimensional space.
Space Art

A modern-day art movement still in its infancy, space art attempts to communicate ideas and appreciation for the infinite variety and vastness of outer space. Its subjects are frequently interstellar and interplanetary elements. Thanks to the invention of telescopes, artists can now depict the grandeur of our universe by rendering what they see out there. Space art often features a variety of celestial bodies, including planets, stars, nebulas, galaxies, as well as spacecraft, astronauts, black holes, moons, comets, and asteroids. Sometimes referred to as astronomical art. For more on space art, click here.
Space Artist
An artist who has an interest in the universe and draws inspiration from space and space exploration. A space artist creates space art (also called astronomical art) in various forms such as paintings, sculptures, and abstract imagery.
A variation on the complementary color scheme. Split-complementary is a color scheme that takes two colors on either side of the complementary color, rather than the color opposite the key color. This scheme allows for a wider range of colors while maintaining the basic harmony between the key and complementary colors. It has the same visual appeal as the complementary color scheme but with less contrast and tension. Split-complementary color schemes are a safe choice for almost any design due to their ease of manipulation and always look good.
Spot Color
A solid color created using a premixed ink, typically based on Pantone Matching System (PMS) colors. Spot colors are used when an exact color match is required, such as in a company’s logo.
Stained Glass
Glass that has been colored or stained by various methods. The term also describes the craft of cutting colored glass into different shapes and assembling them with lead strips to form a decorative window design.
A free-standing sculpture that realistically depicts full-length figures of people or animals, carved or cast in durable materials like wood, metal, or stone. Also see Sculpture.
A piece of stiff paper or another suitable material with a design cut out of it, serving as a template for reproducing the shape. It is also a technique for transferring a design by brushing ink or paint over the cut-out areas onto a surface.
A decorative technique in the visual arts used to replicate designs by applying ink or paint through cut-out holes in cardboard or metal onto a surface. This technique employs stencils, which are templates with pre-designed openings, to produce patterns or pictures on different surfaces.
Still Life

An art form that involves arranging inanimate everyday objects on a table or surface, either natural or man-made. Items like flowers, food, wine, rocks, seashells, or man-made objects like drinking glasses, books, bottles, pottery, dishes, etc. The term still life comes from the French word “nature morte,” meaning “nature dead.” For more on still life art, click here.
Still Life Artist
An artist who creates paintings or drawings of inanimate objects that are either natural or manufactured. The term “still life” comes from the Dutch word “stilleven,” meaning “dead nature” or “motionless life.”
A drawing technique consisting of many small dots or specks to construct the image; a method of using small dots to simulate varying degrees of solidity or shading; to paint, engrave, or draw using dots or small touches of the brush, pen, or other tools.
A kind of pencil consisting of a tight roll of paper or soft leather, or a cylindrical piece of rubber or other soft material used to rub down hard lines in pencil or crayon drawings to blend the lines of shading to produce a uniform tint.
Street Art
A form of artwork displayed in public spaces, including surrounding buildings, streets, trains, and other publicly viewed surfaces. It encompasses a wide range of visual expressions, from simple graffiti tags to elaborate murals that cover entire buildings. Street art often emerges without formal permission and thrives on accessibility, community engagement, and a rebellious spirit.
Stretcher Bars
Essential support structures used for stretching canvas or fabric in art. They form the frame for finished canvases by allowing the canvas or fabric to be stretched taut over them. Typically made from wood, metal, or a combination of both, stretcher bars help maintain the flatness and stability of the artwork. They are typically rectangular in shape; however, many artists enjoy painting on square, oval, and even round stretched canvases. Stretcher bars come in various weights and sizes to accommodate the requirements of different types of canvases.
Stretched Canvas
A classic (traditional) type of canvas used by artists to create paintings on top of the canvas surface. Canvas fabric is stretched and stapled to the sides of stretcher bars, typically leaving the edges raw or unpainted. Paintings composed on this type stretched canvas will require a frame before display. For more information see blog article “Three Types of Oil Painting Canvas.”
Strict Symmetry
A refined version of regular symmetry. It demands not only that an object can be split into identical pieces (like regular symmetry) but also that these pieces have precisely the same content. In other words, strict symmetry insists on content identity, not just extensional similarity. Think of it as symmetry with a perfectionist streak!
Stylized Art
A style of art that deviates from realistic representations of subjects to express a specific aesthetic. It can involve simplifying shapes, exaggerating features, or using non-naturalistic colors to create a specific mood or atmosphere. Stylized art is not completely abstract, but rather modifies the natural appearance of the subject. It can be found in various forms, including drawings, paintings, and digital art. Stylized art allows creators to break free from strict realism and infuse their work with a unique visual language that resonates with viewers.
Subject Matter (in art)
Refers to the central theme or focal point around which an artwork is built. It encapsulates the artist’s intended message or expression. Essentially, subject matter refers to what an artist chooses to depict through their painting, drawing, or sculpture. This can span a broad spectrum, from depictions of people and landscapes to still life compositions, architectural structures, or even abstract concepts. Ultimately, subject matter imbues art with significance—it acts as the conduit linking the artist’s intent to the viewer’s interpretation.

An art and cultural movement that emerged in Europe after World War I. Artists associated with Surrealism aimed to allow the unconscious mind to express itself, resulting in the depiction of illogical or dreamlike scenes and ideas. The movement emphasized positive expression and sought to reunite conscious and unconscious realms of experience, creating a fusion of everyday reality and the fantastical. Key figures include Salvador Dalí, André Breton, and René Magritte.
Symbolism (art)
A late 19th-century French and Belgian movement, aimed to express emotions and ideas through rich, evocative imagery and symbolic representations. Symbolist artists reacted against Western European culture’s rationalism and materialism by using color and line to create scenes with figures from biblical, mythological, or fantastical sources. They moved away from the representational tradition of Classical art, exploring new ways to express psychological truths and spiritual realities. The purpose of paintings in the symbolism art movement was to focus on what each element or the whole symbolizes rather than what the elements literally are.
(Opposite of asymmetrical.)
A design or composition that uses identical or nearly identical shapes on opposing sides of a dividing line or central axis to demonstrate formal balance. It consists of equivalent components that face each other or rotate around a central axis to promote harmony and balance.
Symmetrical Balance
(Also called formal balance.)
A type of visual balance in a composition achieved through the equal distribution of identical forms and weight on both sides of the central axis. Symmetry is the simplest and most prominent type of balance. It creates a secure, safe feeling and a sense of solidity. Also see Balance.
(From the Greek word “symmetros” meaning “symmetrical.” Opposite of asymmetry.)
Refers to a sense of harmonious and beautiful proportion and balance. We often appreciate symmetry when we encounter it in art, architecture, or nature. Fundamentally, it’s all about balance, proportion, and mirror images. Types of symmetry used in art are:
- Bilateral Symmetry: Both sides mirror each other across a central line. This is the most common type of symmetry. Our bodies exhibit bilateral symmetry. Our left and right sides are similar in shape and arrangement.
- Radial Symmetry: Elements radiate from a central point. Seen in objects like starfish or flower petals. They have multiple identical sections radiating from a central point.
- Geometric Symmetry: Precise mirroring as seen in geometric shapes. Think of a perfectly symmetrical circle, where every point along its circumference is equidistant from the center. Geometric shapes often exhibit this type of symmetry.
- Near Symmetry: A hint of symmetry without strict replication. Sometimes, an artwork isn’t precisely symmetrical, but it hints at symmetry. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci is a prime example. While not perfectly symmetrical, it achieves a sense of balance across its vertical axes, drawing our eyes to the central figure of Jesus.
- Asymmetry: Intentional imbalance for artistic effect. The intentional break from perfect balance. Artists use asymmetry to emphasize specific elements, creating dynamic compositions.
Synthetic Brush
A paintbrush manufactured from either nylon or “Taklon,” a polyester filament. Synthetic brushes offer greater versatility than natural ones because they work well with both acrylic and oil paints. They serve as an economical alternative to natural bristle brushes, but it’s crucial to check that they are specifically designed for use with oil paints.
Some advantages of synthetic brushes are:
- They are more resistant to damage from turpentine, insects, or paints.
- Cleanup is easier since they don’t tend to trap paint in the individual hairs.
- The hairs last longer because they are less prone to breaking and are more durable on many different canvas surfaces.
One disadvantage is that less expensive synthetic brushes tend to lose their shape more quickly than natural brushes.
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