My Christian Art Series

Christian art seriesChristian Art — A Place Where Faith and Creativity Intertwine

This is my Christian Art Series—a collection of paintings by me that are inspired by faith and devotion. Through this series, I channel my artistic abilities to capture the beauty and truth of the Most High God.

Creator God is the ultimate artist weaving His masterpiece across the universe. From the cosmic swirls of galaxies to the rugged peaks of mountains, from the ocean’s deepest secrets to the delicate flutter of a butterfly’s wing. His artistry is evident everywhere.

Our Heavenly Father and my Christian faith are profoundly important to me. So, it feels only natural that I’d turn my beliefs, experiences, and devotion into canvas art. God has blessed me in so many ways and artistic talent is among those blessings. I would be remiss not using it for His glory.

For me, creating Christian art is an act of worship. It’s a way to honor the Savior and encourage others to connect with Him too. It serves as a powerful tool to convey spiritual messages, share the Gospel, and engage with non-believers.

In my Christian-themed paintings, I explore a range of subjects from biblical landscapes and locations to depictions of church buildings and theological concepts.  As you gaze upon my Christian art, may your heart recognize the whispers of grace and the hues of redemption. These paintings are more than pigment—they’re invitations to encounter the God of the Universe.

My Christian Art Paintings

Available paintings In This Series

Click or tap on the thumbnail link for a larger image and purchase information.

Christian art painting
Van Gogh’s Church
20″ w x 24″ h
calvary Christian art
Calvary at Sunset
20″ w x 16″ h
Sea of Galilee
Sea of Galilee at Capernaum (2005)
20″ w x 16″ h
Sold Out Paintings
communion table still life
The Communion Table (2004)
14″ w x 11″ h
Garden Tomb landscape
The Garden Tomb (2004)
9″ w x 12″ h
Garden Tomb at Sunset artwork
The Garden Tomb at Sunset (2004)
12″ w x 9″ h


Art Gallery Quick Links

Flowers     |     Landscapes     |     Marine     |     People

Space Art     |     Still Life     |     Wildlife

Additional Reading

The Why of Christian Art

Visual Art in Bible Scripture

Adventures in Africa Series

Life in Texas Series

Lighthouses of the World Series

More information about this topic and many others can be found in My Artist Blog Index. Check it out!

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