Paintings of the Night Sky — Nocturnal Serenades

Where Art and the Universe Harmonize

When the sun retreats beyond the horizon, I find myself drawn to the quiet hours—the ones where the world settles into a hushed rhythm. It’s then that I step outside and lift my gaze to the night sky, and it beckons me to paint. My paintings of the night sky are born from moments like these. The ones when the horizon blurs into obsidian, and the first stars emerge like diamonds strewn on a velvet curtain.

Above me, constellations reveal themselves—the familiar patterns etched by ancient storytellers. The Pleiades cluster huddles close, as if conspiring to reveal their stories. Orion strides across the velvet curtain, his belt a trio of luminous gems. The Big Dipper, like an old friend, guides me northward. And there, Cassiopeia reclines, her throne woven from stardust. Sometimes, it’s the quiet drama—the way the moon casts shadows on the barn roof, or the lone tree stands sentinel against the Milky Way—that captures my heart.

So, I invite you to gaze upward with me as you look upon my night sky paintings. Let the canvas hold your gaze, and perhaps you’ll hear the same whispers—the cosmic lullabies that serenade us when the world sleeps.

Paintings of the Night Sky

Click or tap on the thumbnail link for a larger image and purchase information.

night sky paintings
Little Star Gazer
9″ w x 12″ h
paintings of the night sky
Fly Me to The Moon
9″ w x 12″ h
nighttime art
Full Moon Rising
20″ w x 16″ h

⇒ Discover more Space Art Paintings at the link.

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Fly Me to The Moon

moon painting
Fly Me to The Moon painting by Teresa Bernard © Copyright 2020 – Present


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Details & Description

Title: Fly Me to The Moon
Size: 9″ w x 12″ h
Canvas Type: Canvas Board
Framing: Unframed
Signed: On the front 
COA: Signed Certificate of Authenticity
A Teresa Bernard Oil Painting

A bright orange moon and two silhouetted egrets grace this colorful painting.

A vibrant one-of-a-kind painting of a bright orange moon in the night sky with two egrets in silhouette. One egret is perched atop a tree in silhouette, while the other is in flight. A starry sky and a blue glow from Earth’s atmosphere can be seen behind the full moon.

Fly Me to The Moon is a sturdy 9×12-inch canvas board artwork that was painstakingly painted and hand-signed by space artist Teresa Bernard in the lower left-hand corner. Before hanging this artwork on the wall, it is best to frame it. This night sky wall art includes an official Certificate of Authenticity (COA).

The copyright watermark ©️ is used solely for online purposes and is not present on the actual canvas panting.

Artist Comments

The most eye-catching feature of this painting is that big orange moon in the night sky with a silhouetted egret flying by. Looking at it, one can easily imagine what it would be like to “fly away” to Earth’s only satellite.

The night sky is one of my favorite things. I love looking up at it to see the vastness of outer space, the faraway planets, the milky way along with all the stars and constellations, and of course, Earth’s moon in whichever stage it happens to be in at the time. I especially love seeing our moon shining so brightly it makes the night look like it’s daytime!

—Teresa Bernard

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If you like the painting Fly Me to The Moon, you are sure to enjoy the lunar paintings below. For more information, click or tap the thumbnail link.

astronomy painting
Little Star Gazer
9″ w x 12″ h
lunar painting
Full Moon Rising
20″ w x 16″ h

Your Feedback

“Beautiful paintings. Love the egrets flying in front of an orange moon.” — X Oh, Science, Space & Technology News , Gab

“As always, an outstanding piece. By all means share more artwork here. You always have interesting pieces!” — @josisenberg, Gab

“Thank you, Teresa, for your art and for sharing.” — @Dvd_on_gab, Gab

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Little Star Gazer

star gazer painting
Little Star Gazer painting by Teresa Bernard © Copyright 2022 – Present


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How PayPal works.All transactions are via PayPal, a safe and secure way to make your purchase.

Details & Description

Title: Little Star Gazer
Size: 9″ w x 12″ h
Canvas Type: Canvas Board
Framing: Unframed
Signed: On the front 
COA: Signed Certificate of Authenticity
Series: Part of The Night Sky Series
A Teresa Bernard Oil Painting

This Little Star Gazer painting would look great in any young child’s room. Its composition captures a child’s sense of wonder and imagination while looking up at the night sky.

A silhouette of a small child looking up at the night sky. He peers through a telescope as he gazes up at a crescent moon amid a twinkling starscape. Three comets streak to earth toward a brilliant orange and yellow sunset. Little Star Gazer painting is signed by fine artist Teresa Bernard in the lower left corner.

Little Star Gazer is a unique art piece that has been meticulously crafted by hand on a heavy-duty artist canvas board. This kind of canvas is ideal for framing. Every oil painting comes with an official Certificate of Authenticity (COA).

The copyright watermark ©️ is used exclusively for online purposes and does not appear on the original canvas artwork.

Artist Comments

‘Little Star Gazer’ painting depicts the fascination we all have for the heavens. It is the perfect addition to the decor of any young child’s room. The composition’s bright colors and the vastness of the solar system depicted perfectly capture the sense of wonder that a child might feel when looking up at the stars in the night sky.

—Teresa Bernard

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If you like the painting Little Star Gazer, you are sure to enjoy the night sky paintings below. For more information, click or tap the thumbnail link.

lunar landscape painting
Full Moon Rising
20″ w x 16″ h
moon painting
Fly Me to The Moon
9″ w x 12″ h


Your Feedback

“If you live in a place where you can see the stars in the night sky, count yourself as blessed to the uttermost. I pray for the opportunity to leave the city as soon as possible. May God provide the way.” — @ArtMusic_only, Gab

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If you have a question about this painting, please contact us, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

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Full Moon Rising

full moon painting
Full Moon Rising painting by Teresa Bernard © Copyright 2013 – Present


FREE shipping and handling within the U.S.A.
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How PayPal works.All transactions are via PayPal, a safe and secure way to make your purchase.

Details & Description

Title: Full Moon Rising
Size: 20" w x 16" h
Support: Gallery Wrap Stretched Canvas
Framing: Unframed; Ready to Hang
Signed: On the front 
COA: Signed Certificate of Authenticity 
Series: Part of the Life in Texas Series
A Teresa Bernard Oil Painting

The full Moon rises to illuminate the night sky in this oil painting. This is a stunning piece of art that is ideal for anyone who loves gazing at the night sky.

This is an original painting of the full moon rising to light up the night sky. The moon appears above a line of trees that are in silhouette in the foreground and a star-filled sky in the background. This beautiful piece of art will look great in the home or office of anyone who enjoys gazing at the night sky. This piece is hand-painted and signed by Texas artist Teresa Bernard in the lower left side.

Skillfully made by hand on a gallery wrap canvas, Full Moon Rising extends its composition around the sides of the canvas. When an artwork is painted on this kind of canvas, a frame is not necessary for exhibition; yet it will still look captivating if you decide to have it framed. This moon light art piece comes with a custom Certificate of Authenticity (COA).

The copyright watermark ©️ is used exclusively online and is not part of the physical canvas artwork’s composition.

Read more about the Life in Texas Series here.

Artist Comments

The east Texas moon is the inspiration behind ‘Full Moon Rising.’ My favorite time to take a walk is in the late evening before turning in for the night. On a cloudless or nearly cloudless night, I love looking up into the night sky and seeing the stars and moon. I especially love it when the moon shines so brightly that it lights up the night and makes it appear almost like day! This is just one of the many ‘bennies’ of country living.

—Teresa Bernard

The Far Side of the Moon

FYI…Did you know the common belief the moon has a dark side is a myth? The truth is both sides of the Moon see the same amount of sunlight.

The Moon makes a full rotation on its axis approximately once every 27 days. This is also approximately the same amount of time it takes the Moon to orbit the Earth, which means the same side is always facing the Earth. Astronomers refer to this as “synchronous rotation.”

Only about 59% of the moon is ever visible to Earth over the course of an orbit. The rest of the 41% — the part we call “dark” — is never visible from Earth. The “far side” of the Moon has only been seen by the human eye from a spacecraft.

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If you like the painting Full Moon Rising, you are sure to enjoy the lunar paintings below. For more information, click or tap the thumbnail link.

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Fly Me to The Moon
9″ w x 12″ h
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A View of the Full Moon and Earth (2021)
6″ w x 6″ h
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Little Star Gazer
9″ w x 12″ h


Your Feedback

“What a magnificent painting you have made!” — Zevhiroth, Deviant Art

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